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Call for information concerning Gabriël Metsu by Adriaan Waiboer

For the completion of his dissertation on Gabriël Metsu, Adriaan Waiboer requires information on a number of paintings he has not been able to trace. Anyone who can provide information is requested to contact him.


Call for Information – Gabriel Metsu (1629-1667)

Having defended my Ph.D. dissertation on the Dutch painter Gabriel Metsu last year, I am in the process of completing the manuscript for publication. Aside from an analysis of the artist’s life and work, this monograph will include a catalogue raisonné of Metsu’s painted oeuvre. Before handing everything over to a publisher, I would like to make one last appeal to my colleagues to help me locating a number of his paintings I have not been able to track down in the past few years. I would be most grateful if you could assist me with four questions listed below.

Please send or email your information to:

Adriaan Waiboer
Curator of Northern European Art
National Gallery of Ireland
89 Merrion Square West
Dublin 2

Many thanks.
Adriaan Waiboer

1. Do you know of any works by Metsu in private collections you think may have escaped my attention? Or works in smaller public collections outside Western Europe and North America that have not issued a collection catalogue?

2. Since I document copies, variations and pastiches after works by Metsu, I am also interested if you know of any of these in private collections or smaller museums.

3. Do you know the current location of the following paintings? Or have you come across them in recent years? If so, where and when?

A Woman at Her Toilet

Panel, 27.2 x 22.2 cm

Ecce Homo
Panel, 37 x 26.2 cm

The Prodigal Son in a Brothel
Panel, 55 x 43.5 cm

‘As the Old Sang, So the Young Pipe’
Canvas, 51 x 42 cm

A Woman Offering a Glass of Wine to a Man
Canvas, 40.6 x 35.5 cm

A Woman and Her Maidservant Feeding a Pancake to a Dog
Canvas, 47 x 38 cm

An Old Man Holding a Pipe and A Jug

Panel, 26 x 21.5 cm
(This is not the version in the Muzeum Narodowe, Warsaw)

An Old Woman Feeding a Cat
Panel, 30.5 x 26 cm

Saint Dorothy
Panel, 55.9 x 40.7 cm

4. There are a number of paintings by Metsu I know only through copies and prints. Have you ever come across corresponding works that could be the originals? (All the illustrations below are of copies and prints)

A Woman Holding a Bunch of Grapes
Support and dimensions unknown
Illustrated copy: sold at auction, Stuttgart (Nagel), April 2-3, 2008

A Kitchen Maid Broiling Fish on a Gridiron
Panel, 24.4 x 20.6 cm
Illustrated copy: Fredensborg Castle, Fredensborg

A Kitchen Maid Preparing Poultry
Support and dimensions unknown
Illustrated copy: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz Gemäldegalerie, Berlin

A Woman Smoking
Support and dimensions unknown
Illustrated print: >mezzotint by Wallerent Vaillant

A Man Smoking and a Woman with a Jug
Panel, precise dimensions unknown, c.36 x 32 cm
Illustrated copy: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

A Woman Offering a Glass of Wine to a Man
Panel, precise dimensions unknown, c.33 x 28 cm
Illustrated copy: sold at auction, Basel (Ségal), April 26, 1990

A Woman Reading a Letter
Panel, precise dimensions unknown, c.18 x 16 cm
Illustrated print: engraving by François-Anne David

A Woman at Her Toilet with a Letter in Her Hand
Support and dimensions unknown
Illustrated copy: sold at auction, Amsterdam (Brandt), May 18 et seq., 1976

A Sick Woman Asleep and an Old Servant

Panel, 30.8 x 28.3 cm
Illustrated copy: Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hartford, Connecticut