Information from the organizers, 16 February 2011
In preparation for the Colloquium Van Eyck Studies in Brussels, from 19-21 September 2012, the KIK-IRPA (Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Belgium), K.U. LEUVEN (Art History Department), ILLUMINARE (Centre for the Study of the Illuminated Manuscript), UCL (Institut des Civilisations, Arts et Lettres), in conjunction with the Laboratoire d’étude des œuvres d’art par les méthodes scientifiques (Musée de Louvain-la-Neuve, Pôle Recherche) invite you to present an abstract on one of the following four themes concerning Jan Van Eyck:
– Technical studies concerning paintings, drawings, sculptures, miniature paintings and other works of art by Jan Van Eyck;
– Studies of underdrawings in Van Eyck’s paintings, his painting practice, materials and technique;
– Documentary sources, original archival and historiographical research;
– Research on iconography and iconology in the paintings of Jan Van Eyck.
This 2012 colloquium is the XVIII Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting. The papers should prove to be of interest to curators, art-historians, conservators and scientists working on painting in the Southern Netherlands in the 15th century. The authors of selected abstracts will be invited to speak at this international conference, to be held in the newly built conference facilities of the Royal Military School, just opposite KIK-IRPA. Besides the oral communications, there will be a poster session to present technical and analytical research.
We would be very grateful if you would send us a preliminary title, short abstract (maximum 200 words), curriculum vitae and list of publications as soon as possible and at the latest by 1 April 2011.
The principal language of the conference will be English, but papers in French will also be welcome. We hope that you will support our efforts by telling your colleagues and students about the colloquium. Further information will be posted on the KIK-IRPA website
Proposals for papers should be sent to: Christina Currie, Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique, 1, Parc du Cinquantenaire, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, or by e-mail to by 1 April 2011. Postprints of the colloquium will be published.
Organisation committee members: Christina Ceulemans (KIK-IRPA), Jacqueline Couvert (UCL), Christina Currie (KIK-IRPA), Anne Dubois (UCL, FRS-FNRS), Myriam Serck-Dewaide (KIK-IRPA), Ron Spronk (Queen’s University-Radboud University), Cyriel Stroo (KIK-IRPA Brussels), Jan Van der Stock (K.U.LEUVEN), Dominique Vanwijnsberghe (KIK-IRPA), Hélène Verougstraete (Professor emeritus), Annelies Vogels (K.U.LEUVEN), Lieve Watteeuw (K.U.LEUVEN-ILLUMINARE).