Universities Art Association of Canada Annual Conference, 27-29 October 2011, Ottawa, Ontario.
Session chaired by Stephanie Dickey and Gauvin Bailey, Queen’s University.
This session seeks papers concerned with visual and material culture around the world in the period ca. 1580- 1750. In this era of colonial and economic expansion, artists and architects frequently traveled outside their home countries for work or inspiration, while paintings and prints functioned as internationally-traded commodities. We are especially interested in case studies that explore the creative dynamic produced by interactions between artists, artworks, and/or consumers of art from divergent cultures. This might include intersections both within the European continent (e.g., Netherlandish artists in Rome or Prague) and between Europe and the wider world (e.g., French architecture in Quebec).
Presenters must become members of UAAC. For information and the full CFP, go to: www.uaac-aauc.com/en/uaac-conference (we are #21 on pg. 8).
Send your one-page proposal and short CV to Stephanie Dickey: dickeys@queensu.ca, by May 15.