CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

More than One Million Euros Available for New Round of Dutch Museum Grants

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) published a new call of the Museum Grants program in which the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has made €1,024,624 available for research by, about and for museums.

The program funds projects that help strengthen the scientific function of museums. The Museum Grants research program increases the options for conducting short-term research in one of the more than 400 museums in the Netherlands. The research is in the hands of a museum expert and takes place in partnership with university researchers. This is the fourth round of this call. Previous rounds of the Museum Grants program took place in 2014, 2018 and 2021. As in previous rounds, this call also aims to promote talent development and scientific research in the context of museums. Already 26 successful projects have been honored.

All museum employees who hold a master’s degree may apply for a research grant as long as they are a on a permanent or temporary appointment at a museum for the duration of the project. A museum may temporarily employ an applicant to carry out the project.

Applications can be submitted on two separate dates: 22 December 2022 and 18 May 2023 at the latest. The results of the first round will be announced in March 2023 and the results of the second in July 2023.

Consult the NWO website for more information about the Museum Grants program.