CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

New issue of Oud Holland vol. 123 (2010) nr. 2 appears

The latest issue of Oud Holland has appeared. Below you can find the contents. Oud Holland is published by Brill in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD). Subscriptions can be obtained here.

Oud Holland, Quarterly for Dutch Art History
2010 (vol. 123) no. 2


Ben Broos
"De lotgevallen van Rembrandts ‘Portret van Aeltje Uylenburgh’"

Anna Koopstra
"De Antwerpse ‘witter ende paneelmaker’ Melchior de Bout (werkzaam 1625/26-1658): leverancier van ‘ready-made’ panelen voor de Parijse markt"

Marijke de Kinkelder
"De korte loopbaan van Nicolaes Berchem de Jonge"

Susan Anderson
"The Library of Cornelis Dusart: Between Artist and Gentleman"

Shorter notices

Fred Meijer
"‘Democritus’ by Jacob Duck (c.1600-1667), a rejected design for a print?"

Rudi Ekkart
"De ‘Schotse jager’ van Jan Adam Kruseman"

Book reviews

Catherine Scallen
Book review of E. van de Wetering (ed.), Stichting Foundation Rembrandt Research Project. A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings IV: The Self-Portraits, Dordrecht 2005

David de Witt
Book review of Pieter Biesboer e.a., Painting in Haarlem 1500-1850. The collection of the Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem (Frans Hals Museum) 2006; Jonathan Bikker e.a., Dutch paintings of the seventeenth century in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. Volume 1 –Artists born between 1570 and 1600, 2 vols., Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 2007 and Walter Liedtke, Dutch Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2 vols., New York (Metropolitan Museum) 2007