CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

New issue of Oud Holland vol. 124 (2011) nr. 4 appears

The latest issue of Oud Holland has appeared. Below you can find the contents.
Oud Holland is published by Brill in cooperation with the RKD. Subscriptions can be obtained here.

Oud Holland, Quarterly for Dutch Art History, vol. 124 (2011) no. 4

Inhoud/ Contents

Willemijn Fock
"Jacob Roman en zijn relatie tot de Delftse regent Pieter Teding van Berkhout"

Ulrike Kern
"Light and Shadow, Clouds and Sunrays: The Concept of ‘Reddering’ in Netherlandish Art"

Korte bijdragen / Short contributions

Teresa Posada Kubissa
"‘Christ Carrying the Cross’, the first located painting by Matthijs Willenhoudt"

Dominik Fugger
"Ein „Bohnenkönig“ im Stundenbuch. Zum Verhältnis von später Buch- und früher Genremalerei"