The Samuel H. Kress Foundation recently announced it offers two grants to US students and citizens. On September 23 several Flemish research centers, universities and art museums collaboratively launched the second edition of the Summer Course for the Study of the Arts in Flanders.
Summer Course
The aim of the Summer Course is to bring to Flanders, annually, a group of eighteen select national and international, highly qualified young researchers and to present them with an intensive 11-day program of lectures, discussions, and on-site visits. The aim is to provide the participants with a clear insight into the Flemish art collections from the period at hand, as well as into the available and most suited research methods, the state of the research and the research needs. After the course the students will be ambassadors for the Flemish arts abroad.
The second edition of the summer course is titled The Age of Rubens in Context and takes place from 19 June through 29 June, 2016. Its content is coordinated by the Rubenianum and the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Home base of the second edition is Antwerp and includes excursions to Mechelen, Scherpenheuvel, Brussels, Bruges, Ghent, Rotterdam and The Hague. The language of the Summer Course will be English.
Candidates have earned an MA or are enrolled in a PhD program, with a focus on Baroque art from the Southern Netherlands. Candidates are at the start of their professional career.
Four grants in total will be awarded. Thanks to the generous support of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation’s History of Art Grants Program two US students and citizens are offered a grant that will fully cover the program fee and round trip flights between Belgium and the US.
The organizers of the Summer Course together with the Flemish Government have also made available two grants of €450 each. These grants will be awarded (preferably) to one European and one non-European applicant of the Summer Course.
Application deadline: 30 November 2015
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