Tax Benefits
Making a donation to the Friends of CODART Foundation often means you can benefit directly from tax advantages provided for in your country of residence.
The Netherlands
The Dutch Tax Administration has designated CODART as an ‘institution for general benefit’ (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling [ANBI]). Accordingly, gifts may be deducted from income and corporate tax. The tax advantage can add up to 78% of the gift. For more information please contact the CODART bureau or read the information below in Dutch.
In Dutch: informatie over de Geefwet
Op giften aan culturele ANBI’s krijgt u extra aftrek. Dit betekent dat u uw gift mag vermenigvuldigen met 25% en zo een kwart meer kunt aftrekken dan u eigenlijk schenkt. De aftrek geldt voor periodieke giften en gewone giften. Voor eenmalige giften geldt een aftrekdrempel van 1% (en minimaal €60) en een plafond van 10% van het verzamelinkomen. Een periodieke schenking levert het meeste voordeel op. Indien u bijvoorbeeld 1.000 euro per jaar schenkt en dat gedurende vijf jaar, kunt u door middel van de multiplier 1.250 euro als aftrekpost noteren. U hoeft hiervoor niet langer gebruik te maken van een notariële akte. Een schriftelijke overeenkomst tussen beide partijen volstaat. Meer informatie hierover vindt u via deze link:
USA: the American Friends of CODART Fund
U.S.-based donors can support our activities in a tax-efficient way through a contribution to the American Friends of CODART Fund at Myriad USA (formerly KBFUS). Because Myriad USA is a public charity, within the definition of Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the IRS, donors may claim the maximum tax benefits allowed by U.S. tax law for their contributions. If you wish to support us, here is how to proceed:
Go to our special webpage at Myriad USA , select an amount and press the Donate button.
Gifts by check:
Make out your check to Myriad USA, specifying “American Friends of CODART Fund” in the memo section of the check, and send it to Myriad USA, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176.
Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property:
To ensure proper allocation of your gift, please contact Brenda Orellana at (212) 713-7660, and provide: donor name and contact information for tax receipt, expected date of transfer, amount and suggested use of contribution.
For any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact the CODART director at:
Belgium, Germany, and the UK
The Friends of CODART Foundation offers donors from the UK, Germany and Belgium an easy way to benefit from tax advantages provided for in the legislation of their country of residence. With the assistance of Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) donors can pay their support via the affiliated organizations in their own countries. Just contact the associated organization in your country. You pay your donation to them and via TGE your support will be transferred to the Friends of CODART Foundation in the Netherlands.
From the website
‘Your cross-border donation receives all applicable tax benefits in the country where you pay tax. Partner foundations’ combined expertise in domestic tax laws secures the most effective tax treatment for your gift in both your own country and the recipient’s. A 5% contribution towards administrative costs is charged on the donated amount.’
Contact the organization in your country for more information on how to transfer your donation to the Friends of CODART Foundation:
King Baudouin Foundation
rue Brederodestraat 21
1000 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 2549 0231
F +32 2549 0289
Maecenata Stiftung
Herzogstrasse 60
D- 80803 München, Germany
T +49 8928 4452
F +49 8928 3774
CAF – Charities Aid Foundation
Kings Hill, West Malling
Kent ME19 4TA, United Kingdom
T +44 3000 123 380
F +44 3000 123 160