This evening, the CODART TWAALF congress has been opened with a festive reception at the Maastricht town hall. The reception marked the beginning of the congress in Maastricht and Aachen that is attended by 133 curators of Dutch and Flemish art from a great number of countries around the world. The congress theme on Monday is Dutch and Flemish art around the Baltic Sea. On Tuesday, the curators meet for a panel discussion on collection mobility. Furthermore, the congress will focus on visits to collections and exhibitions in Aachen and Maastricht. During the new market of ideas, CODART members will have the possibility for small-scale, in-depth discussions about current subjects.
The opening reception, offered by the city of Maastricht, was held in the historic town hall from 1662, designed by Pieter Post. Mayor Gerd Leers of Maastricht welcomed the participants to his city. Frans Timmermans, Dutch minister of European affairs held a speech in which he lauded the curators for their expertise and work on Dutch cultural heritage worldwide.
Apart from curators, Friends of CODART and policymakers, also a number of art dealers were present, due to the fact that the congress takes place in TEFAF-city Maastricht, and as a result of the close collaboration between CODART and the TEFAF. As a result the reception hosted a large cross-section of professionals in Dutch and Flemish art.
Monday, the congress will have its first sessions in Aachen. On tuesday, the curators move back to Maastricht.