From 29 to 31 May, the CODART 23 congress took place in the Netherlands. The theme of CODART 23 was Art in Situ: What It Means to See Art in Its Original Setting. In partnership with the Mauritshuis and Museum Gouda, CODART organized three days in which we took a closer look at Dutch art in its original setting and reflected on all the aspects a curator has to consider when working with objects and their supposed original locations. A list of participants, the complete congress folder, the network document, and the slides of the CODARTSlide Show are now available for download on our website.

Part of the congress participants on the steps of Paleis Huis ten Bosch in The Hague after an excursion to the Oranjezaal.
Were you not able to attend CODART 23 or would you like to hear one of the lectures again? You will be pleased to know that we offer video recordings of the lectures and case-studies. Information on the presentations during the Speakers’ Corner can also be found on our website.
All documents and videos are available on
CODART 24 and other upcoming events
We are already preparing next year’s congress, which will take place from 12 to 14 March 2023 in Antwerp! Make sure to mark CODART 24 and our other upcoming events in your calendars.
9 November 2022: CODARTfocus Leuven
On Wednesday 9 November 2022 we will organize a study-visit to the exhibition Alabaster – European Sculpture from the Middle Ages to the Baroque. Organized by M Leuven in cooperation with the Musée du Louvre, the exhibition will include approximately 150 works from various international collections. More information will follow.
For the latest information on all of our upcoming events, please consult the events page.