The Fourteenth Triennial Meeting of ICOM’s Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, will be held in The Hague on 12-16 September 2005. The main subject will be the exploration and design of strategies and methods aimed at involving the public in issues surrounding cultural heritage and its preservation.
The congress organization is pleased to inform you about the program for the plenary sessions, the excursions on Wednesday afternoon and the post-conference tours.
‘Involving society in the conservation of cultural heritage’ is the theme of the Monday plenary sessions. Prof. Amareswar Galla, Dr. Mohammed Touré and others will approach the theme from an economical, a political and a historical point of view. They will be followed by Dr. Frans Grijzenhout and Liesbeth Helmus, who will focus on Dutch cases. Special attention will be paid to the profession of the conservator and how it can be adapted to the present-day climate. There is a need for more transparency and for tools to inform the public about the reasoning behind conservation methods.
Wednesday morning is reserved for a forum on museum risk management. In the afternoon there is a choice of 27 excursions to various locations in and around The Hague. They all are devoted to conservation and restoration and have been specially arranged for participants in the congress.
The Working Groups of ICOM-CC play an important role at the 14th Triennial Meeting. They meet several times during the congress, each with its program. Within the Working Groups, personal relationships and collaboration are easily established and knowledge is helpfully exchanged across borders and continents. A detailed program of the Working Group meetings will be posted on the ICOM-CC website later. There are currently 22 Working Groups: Glass and Ceramics / Documentation / Education and Training in Conservation / Ethnographic Collections / Graphic Documents / Leather and Related Materials / Legal Issues in Conservation / Metals / Modern Materials / Mural Paintings, Mosaics and Rock Art / Natural History / Collections / Paintings / Photographic Records / Preventive Conservation / Sculpture and Polychromy / Scientific Research / Stone / Task Force on Public Engagement in Conservation / Textiles / Theory and History of Restoration / Wet Organic and Archaeological Materials / Wood, Furniture and Lacquer. The papers of the working groups are to be published in a two-volume set including CD-ROM, which all congress participants will receive before the congress.
For detailed information see the ICOM-CC congress website: Online registration forms can be found under the heading ‘Registration and fees’. The page also contains information on grants and student discounts and offers the possibility to book hotel rooms and airline tickets.
The 14th Triennial Meeting is being organized by the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN) in cooperation with ICOM, ICOM-CC, ICOM-Netherlands, the Netherlands Museum Association, the Dutch Association of Professional Conservators and Restorers (VeRes) and the municipality of The Hague.
You can reach the congress organization at:
ICOM-CC congress 2005
Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage
Floortje Kok, coordinator project bureau
Postbus 76709
1070 KA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 20 305 4520
F +31 20 305 4500