CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Ruinen, so weit das Auge reicht. Maarten van Heemskerck und die römische Antike

Lecture: 16 July 2024

Ancient buildings and sculptures clearly play a central role in Maarten van Heemskerck’s drawings. To follow him through Rome is to immerse oneself in a past that seems both fragmentary and complete. What he saw and how he recorded it will be examined in the lecture in comparison with the depictions of other fifteenth- and sixteenth-century draughtsmen and architects.

Lecture by PD Dr. Charlotte Schreiter, LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn (in German).

Lecture series

Accompanying the exhibition The Allure of Rome. Maarten van Heemskerck Draws the City is a series of lectures that takes place on Tuesdays. Individual aspects of Van Heemskerck’s work will be addressed and explained. Speakers will talk about the few paintings he created in Rome as well as the influence of Michelangelo, Van Heemskerck’s drawing materials and his approach to ruins in comparison with contemporary depictions by other artists.

All lectures are held in German at the Kunstgewerbemuseum (Kulturforum) in Berlin at 18:00 CET.

Advance reservation is required and free for charge. See the museum website for tickets and more information.

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