CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Symposium: Vergeten meesters. Pieter Pourbus en de Brugse schilderkunst van 1525 tot 1625

Symposium: Forgotten Masters. Pieter Pourbus and painting in Bruges from 1525 until 1625 Symposium: 11 December 2017

Information from the organization

On 11 December 2017 the Groeningemuseum organizes a symposium in Bruges on the occasion of the current exhibition ‘Pieter Pourbus and the forgotten Masters’. During this symposium the results of new research on painting in Bruges in the sixteenth century will be presented. New answers inevitably lead to new questions. Therefore, this symposium will also address the questions that remained unanswered in the exhibition and accompanying catalogue. For additional (Dutch) information on the program, you may consult this document.


Groeningemuseum, Bruges.


The languages of the symposium will be Dutch and English.


You may register until 6 December via: Costs are 45 euros, students benefit from a discount of 30 euros, including coffee, lunch and entrance to the exhibition. You may transfer the payment to Kenniscentrum vzw. BE89 7360 0240 7785 KREDBEBB, addressing ‘studiedag Vergeten meesters’ and your name.

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