CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Dr. Almut Pollmer-Schmidt Curator of Postmedieval Paintings, Sculptures and Ceremonial Sleighs, Landesmuseum WĂŒrttemberg in Stuttgart, Germany


Member of CODART since 2011

Associate member of CODART from 2021 to 2022

Areas of specialization

  • 17th-century Dutch painting and 16th- to 18th-century German painting
  • Collection history
  • Religion and art

Exhibitions curated since 1999

CODART publications

Selected publications


Deutsche GemĂ€lde im StĂ€del Museum 1550–1725
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt, with technological analyses by Christiane Weber and contributions by Fabian Wolf
2 vols., Berlin 2021


Time Machine. The StÀdel Museum in the 19th Century
Jochen Sander, Almut Pollmer-Schmidt, Yannic JĂ€ckel, et al., translated by Erik Eising

“Maler in Frankfurt 1550–1700. Eine Bestandsaufnahme”
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt
Essay in: Crossroads. Frankfurt am Main as Market for Northern Art 1500–1800, edited by Miriam Hall Kirch, Birgit Ulrike MĂŒnch & Alison G. Stewart, pp. 226-255
Petersberg 2019


Kirchenbilder. Der Kirchenraum in der hollÀndischen Malerei um 1650
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt
Weimar 2017

“Kunst voor kenners, of: Waarom koos Emanuel de Witte voor het kerkinterieur?”
Essay in: Emanuel de Witte 1616/17–1691/92. Meester van het licht (exh.-cat. Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar), pp. 31-51
Zwolle/Alkmaar 2017


Zeitreise. Das StÀdel Museum im 19. Jahrhundert
Jochen Sander, Almut Pollmer-Schmidt, Yannic JĂ€ckel, et al.


“Johannes Vermeer. The Look through the Window” / “Johannes Vermeer. Der Blick aus dem Fenster”
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt
Catalogue entry on Vermeer’s Geographer (Frankfurt) and A Lady writing a Letter, with her Maid (Dublin), in: Masterworks in Dialogue. Eminent Guests for the Anniversary, ed. by Max Hollein (exh. cat. StĂ€del Museum), pp. 70-73
Frankfurt am Main/Cologne 2015


“From All Sides: Man and Measurement in DĂŒrer’s Work / Von allen Seiten. Mensch und Maß bei DĂŒrer”
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt
Article in: Albrecht DĂŒrer. His Art in Context / DĂŒrer. Kunst – KĂŒnstler – Kontext (exh. cat. StĂ€del Museum, Frankfurt am Main), pp. 120125
Frankfurt am Main/Munich 2013


“Meditatie. Zur Verwandtschaft von Meditation und Kunstbetrachtung”
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt
Article in: Claudia Fritzsche, Karin Leonhard & Gregor J.M.Weber, Ad Fontes! NiederlÀndische Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts in Quellen
Petersberg 2012 [in press]

“‘Invallende gedachten’: GemĂ€lde als Gelegenheiten reformierter Meditation?”
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt
Essay in: Maria-Theresia Leuker (ed.), Die sichtbare Welt. VisualitÀt in der niederlÀndischen Literatur und Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts, pp. 179-200
MĂŒnster 2012

“Ritual and its negation. Dedicatio ecclesiae and the Reformed first sermon”
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt and Bernward Schmidt
Essay in: Maarten Delbeke & Minou Schraven (eds.), Foundation, Dedication and Consecration in Early Modern Europe (Intersections; 22), pp. 315-332
Leiden-Boston 2012


“Een plaats van verbeelding: de Pieterskerk in de schilderkunst van Hendrick van Vliet tot Johannes Bosboom”
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt
Essay in: Elizabeth den Hartog and others (eds.), De Pieterskerk in Leiden. Bouwgeschiedenis, inrichting en gedenktekens, pp. 276-288
Zwolle 2011

Alte Meister 1300–1800 im StĂ€del Museum
6 essays (Kunst und KĂŒnstlichkeit. Was wagt ein Bild in der Zeit von Manierismus und katholischer Reform?, 134-142]; Markt und Moden. Die Antwerpener Malerei im 16. Jahrhundert [152-159]; Barock im Norden. Die niederlĂ€ndische Malerei im 17. Jahrhundert [168-178]; Alltagsszenen? Stereotyp und Ideal in der Genremalerei [188-199]; Zwischen Himmel und Erde. Bilder der Landschaft [208-219]; [Komposition, Zeichnung, Farbe und Ausdruck. Ideale der Kunst in Barock und Rokoko, 248-252]) and 54 short catalogue entries, editing.
Collection overview, edited by Jochen Sander and Max Hollein
Frankfurt am Main, Ostfildern 2011

Vermeer “Geographer”. The Golden Age of Dutch and Flemish Paintings from the StĂ€del Museum
Introductions (History Painting and allegory; Portraiture; Genre & Interior Scenes; Landscape & Topography) and 4 catalogue entries.
Catalogue of an exhibition held in The Bunkamura Museum of Art, Tokio and the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.

Kirchenbilder. Der Kirchenraum in der hollÀndischen Malerei um 1650
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt
dissertation defended in Leiden 2011


La Edad de Oro de la pintura holandesa y flamenco del StÀdel Museum
Almut Pollmer-Schmidt
Introductions (Historia y alegorĂ­a; Retrato; GĂ©nero e interior; Paisaje y topografĂ­a) and several catalogue entries. Edited by Max Hollein and Jochen Sander, catalogue of an exhibition held in the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.


“Relaties, passies en succes: schilderijen in opdracht van Adriaan van der Hoop (1778–1854)”
Essay in Jaarboek Amstelodamum 96 (2004), pp. 79-108

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