CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Dr. Norbert Middelkoop Senior Curator of Paintings, Prints and Drawings, Amsterdam Museum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Member of CODART since 1998

Exhibitions curated since 1999

CODART publications

Selected publications


‘Frans Hals’s Portraits of Painters: A Reconnaissance’
Essay in Frans Hals: Iconography – Technique – Reputation, edited by N.E. Middelkoop and R.E.O. Ekkart, pp. 92-108
Amsterdam (Amsterdam University Press) 2024

Essays in Rembrandt’s Amsterdam: Golden Times?, edited by J. Sander, catalogue of an exhibition in Frankfurt (Städel Museum), 2024-25
Munich (Hirmer Verlag) 2024

Review of B. Cornelis, F. Lammertse, J. Rinnooy Kan and J. van der Veen, Frans Hals, (Yale University Press, 2023) in Oud Holland Reviews, September 2024

Entries in Frans Hals: Master of the fleeting moment, edited by D. Hirschfelder, K. Kleinert and E. Eising, catalogue of an exhibition at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
Berlin (Hatje Cantz) 2024


“Van den Eeckhouts laatste werk? Een papieren groepsportret”
Essay in Not Always Rembrandt: 37 Studies in Baroque Art (Nijmegen Art Historical Studies vol. 22), edited by R. van Leeuwen, L. Ruhe and D. de Witt, pp. 158-165.
Turnhout (Brepols) 2023

Views of Haarlem: The City Depicted in the 17th Century
Norbert Middelkoop with Alexander de Bruin
Zwolle (Waanders Publishers) 2023


“Hoe nieuwkomers uit het zuiden de Haarlemse kunst veranderden”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in De Lage Landen, no. 65 (2022), pp. 10-23. Also online in Dutch and French.


“Definition through Appreciation: The Corporate Group Portrait from the Seventeenth until the Twenty-First Century”
Norbert Middelkoop
Essay in Questioning Pictorial Genres in Dutch Seventeenth-Century Art: Definitions, Artistic Practices, Market & Society (Gouden Eeuw. New Perspectives on Dutch Seventeenth-Century Art) edited by Marije Osnabrugge (ed.), pp. 142-164
Turnhout (Brepols) 2021

Doorgegeven zorg. De schilderijen van de Stichting Hospice Wallon
Norbert Middelkoop and Willem van Bennekom
Amsterdam ( 2021

“Banquet of Civic Guardsmen in Celebration of the Treaty of Münster, Bartholomeus van der Helst”
Essay in 100 Masterpieces Dutch and Flemish Art (1350-1750): CODART Canon, edited by Maartje Beekman, Rosalie van Gulick and Barbara Luijken, pp. 164-65
Tielt (Lannoo) 2021


Rembrandt and Amsterdam Portraiture – 1590-1670
Norbert Middelkoop (ed.)
Madrid (Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza) 2020

“Van wijn- tot huidenkopers. De opmerkelijke geschiedenis van een verdwenen groepsportret”
Norbert Middelkoop
Essay in Connoisseurship: Essays in Honour of Fred G. Meijer, edited by C. Dumas, R. Ekkart and C. van de Puttelaar, pp. 221-226
Leiden (Primavera Press) 2020

“Rembrandts Vaandeldrager”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Maandblad Amstelodamum, edited by Norbert Middelkoop (guest editor), vol. 107 (2020), nr. 2, p. 92-98


Schutters, gildebroeders, regenten en regentessen. Het Amsterdamse corporatiestuk 1525-1850
Norbert Middelkoop
PhD dissertation, 3 vols. (University of Amsterdam) 2019


“Flinck and Bol: the Group Portraits”
Norbert Middelkoop
Introduction (with Leonore van Sloten) and essay in Ferdinand Bol and Govert Flinck: Rembrandt’s Master Pupils, pp. 7-9 and 164-177
Catalogue of exhibitions held in 2017-18 in Amsterdam (The Rembrandt House Museum and Amsterdam Museum)
Edited by Norbert Middelkoop
Zwolle (WBooks) 2017

“Naar de kerk in Amsterdam met Emanuel de Witte”
Norbert Middelkoop and Gary Schwartz
Article in Emanuel de Witte. Meester van het licht, pp. 52-69
Catalogue of an exhibition held  in 2017-18 in Alkmaar (Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar)
Edited by Gerdien Wuestman
Zwolle (Waanders & de kunst) 2017


Hollanders van de Gouden Eeuw / Portrait Gallery of the Golden Age
Norbert Middelkoop with Emma Los, Maarten Hell and Tom van der Molen
Amsterdam and Zwolle (WBooks) 2014

Entries in Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen (ca. 1475-1533). De Renaissance in Amsterdam en Alkmaar
Norbert Middelkoop
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2014 in Amsterdam (Amsterdam Museum) and Alkmaar (Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar)
Edited by Daantje Meuwissen
Zwolle (Waanders) 2014

“‘Met schuttersschilderijen behangen’. De Amsterdamse schuttersstukken in de drie doelens” and “Chronologische lijst van de Amsterdamse schuttersstukken”
Norbert Middelkoop
Articles in De Amsterdamse schuttersstukken 1529-1656. Inrichting en gebruik van de doelengebouwen in de zeventiende eeuw,
Jaarboek Amstelodamum 2013, pp. 12-107 and 343-363
Edited by N.E. Middelkoop, J. van Gent, M.J. Bok and W.Th. Kloek
Amsterdam 2014

Entries on paintings by Jacob van Ruisdael, Gerrit Berckheyde and Jan van der Heyden
Norbert Middelkoop
Entries in Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden Age
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2014-15 in Budapest (Szépművészeti Múzeum)
Edited by Ildikó Ember
Budapest (Museum of Fine Arts) 2014

“Kruisbestuiving. Schutters- en regentenstukken in Haarlem en Amsterdam”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Hollandse groepsportretten
Kunstschrift 58 (2014), nr. 4, pp. 26-35


“Anatomische Lessen uit de Gouden Eeuw”
Norbert Middelkoop
Essay in Van Rembrandt tot Damien Hirst: de anatomische les, pp. 10-31
Catalogue of an exhibition held in The Hague (Gemeentemuseum) in 2013-14
Bussum (Thoth) 2013

Горожане и их творчесто. Голландский групповой портрет XVII века [Citizenship and creativity: the Dutch Group Portrait in the seventeenth century] and От предмета декорации до музейного экспоната. Судьба амстердамских групповых портретов после XVII века [From decoration to museum pieces: the fate of the Amsterdam Group Portraits after the seventeenth century]
Norbert Middelkoop
Essays in , Голландский групповой портрет золотого века из собрания амстердамского музея [Dutch Group Portraits of the Golden age from the collection of the Amsterdam Museum]
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2013 in Moscow (Pushkin Museum)
Moscow 2013

Горожане и их творчесто. Голландский групповой портрет XVII века [Citizenship and creativity: the Dutch Group Portrait in the seventeenth century] and От предмета декорации до музейного экспоната. Судьба амстердамских групповых портретов после XVII века [From decoration to museum pieces: the fate of the Amsterdam Group Portraits after the seventeenth century]
Norbert Middelkoop
Essays in Irina Sokolova, Norbert Middelkoop, Голландский групповой портрет золотого века из собрания амстердамского музея [Dutch Group Portraits of the Golden age from the collection of the Amsterdam Museum]
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2013 in St. Petersburg (State Hermitage Museum)
St. Petersburg 2013


“Faits divers: enkele illustraties bij de kroniek van Jacob Bicker Raije (1703-1777)”
Article in Jaarboek Amstelodamum 104 (2012), pp. 8-34
Amsterdam 2012

“Jacob en Jacoba. Een bijzonder bruidspaar vereeuwigd door Jan Maurits Quinkhard en Jacob Houbraken”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Face Book. Studies on Dutch and Flemish Portraiture of the 16th-18th Centuries. Liber Amicorum presented to Rudolf E.O. Ekkart, p. 473-478
Leiden / Den Haag 2012

“Gerrit Berckheyde en de Gouden Bocht in de Herengracht”
Norbert Middelkoop and Wouter Kloek
Article in Maandblad Amstelodamum 99 (2012), p. 17-33


“Beerstraaten in the Nationalmuseum: an exceptional contribution to the Dutch cityscape”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Art Bulletin of Nationalmuseum Stockholm 18 (2011), pp. 135-140

“Jürgen Ovens in Amsterdam. A reconnaissance of the artist’s Dutch years”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Grenzüberschreitung: Deutsch-Niederländischer Kunst- und Künstleraustausch im 17. Jahrhundert, pp. 123-138
Edited by Nils Büttner and Esther Meier
Marburg (Jonas Verlag) 2011

“Bemoedigende schilderingen. Hobbe Smith en zijn havengezichten voor de ENTOS”
Norbert Middelkoop and Daphne Willemsen
Article in Maandblad Amstelodamum 98 (2011), pp. 74-91


“Gillis Coignet and the Amsterdam Lottery of 1592: Locating an Extraordinary Night Scene” [click for full text]
Norbert E. Middelkoop
Article in Journal of the Historians of Netherlandish Art, vol. 2: 1-2

“Een Amsterdammer in Hamburg en een Noord-Duitser in Amsterdam. Jürgen Ovens’ portret van Dirck Kerckrinck”
Norbert E. Middelkoop
Article in Maandblad Amstelodamum 97 (2010) nr. 4, pp. 163-169

“Lijst van portretten in de collectie van de Backer-Stichting”
Norbert E. Middelkoop and S.A.C. Dudok van Heel
In Backers over de vloer: een Amsterdamse familie in beeld, pp. 96-107
F. Diercks
Zwolle (Waanders) 2010

“Kunstwerk oder historisches Dokument: zur Sammlungsgeschichte der Amsterdamer Gruppenporträts”
Essay in Goldenes Zeitalter: holländische Gruppenporträts aus dem Amsterdams Historisch Museum, pp. 11-16 (and several entries)
Edited by K.Schütz
Catalogue of an exhibition in 2010 in Vienna (Kunsthistorisches Museum) and in 2010/11 Munich (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen – Alte Pinakothek)


“New light on Sandrart’s Dutch scholars portraits”
Norbert Middelkoop
Essay in Joachim von Sandrart. Ein europäischer Künstler un Theoretiker zwischen Italien und Deutschland (Römische Studien der Biblioteca Hertziana, Band 25), p. 97-107
Edited by S. Ebert-Schifferer and C. Mazzetti di Pietralata
Rome / München 2009

“Eine moderne Schutzpatronin. Die heilige Barbara und die Amsterdamer Maurerzunft”
Essay in Haně Seifertové k 75. narozeninám, p. 52-57
Edited by Anja K. Sevcík
Prague (Národní galerie v Praze) 2009

“Schuttersstukken kijken met Jan van Dyk. Een reconstructie van de plaatsing in het Stadhuis op de Dam”
Article in Maandblad Amstelodamum 96, nr. 2 (2009), pp. 65-78

Amsterdam’s Glory: the Old Masters of the city of Amsterdam
Norbert Middelkoop and Tom van der Molen
112 pp., 28.5 cm. x 22.5 cm., hardcover
Bussum (Thoth) and Amsterdam (Amsterdams Historisch Museum) 2009

“Triptych with guardsmen of the Amsterdam Kloveniersdoelen (headquarters of the arquebusiers’ civic guard) – Dirck Jacobsz”
Norbert Middelkoop
Entry in digital catalogue Early Netherlandish paintings in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Volume I – artist born before 1500
Edited by Jan Piet Filedt Kok
Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 2009


De oude meesters van de stad Amsterdam: schilderijen tot 1800
Norbert Middelkoop, with contributions by Gusta Reichwein and Judith van Gent
303 pp., 30 cm.
Bussum (Thoth) and Amsterdam (Amsterdams Historisch Museum) 2008

“Jan Lievens, ‘L’operazione al piede'”
Norbert Mideelkoop
Entry in Fiamminghi e Olandesi a Firenze. Disegni dalle collezioni degli Uffizi, Firenze, p. 120-122, nr. 62
Edited by W.Th. Kloek and B.W. Meijer
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2008 in Florence
Florence (Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi) 2008
French edition: Bruegel, Rubens et leurs contempoirains. Dessins nordiques du Musée des Offices à Florence, p. 106-109, nr. 56
Paris (Fondation Custodia) 2008

“Jan Micker, Bird’s-eye View of Amsterdam”
Norbert Middelkoop
Entry in Pride of place: Dutch cityscapes of the Golden Age, pp. 146-149 nr. 31
Ariane van Suchtelen and Arthur K. Wheelock Jr.
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2008-09 in The Hague (Mauritshuis) and in 2009 in Washington (National Gallery of Art)
Den Haag (Mauritshuis), Washington (National Gallery of Art) and Zwolle (Waanders) 2008

“Art on paper in the Amsterdam Historical Museum”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in The Connoisseur’s Eye: Master Drawings and Prints from the Amsterdam Historical Museum, pp. 13-19
Edited by Hiroshi Kumazawa and Mamiko Sato
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2008 in Tokyo (Tokyo University of the Arts) and in 2008-09 in Nagasaki (Huis ten Bosch Art Museum)
188 pp., 26 cm.
Tokyo (Tokyo Shimbun) 2008

“Ruisdaels Gezicht op Amsterdam vanaf de Amsteldijk. Een bijzondere aanwinst van het Amsterdams Historisch Museum”
Article in De Verbeelde Wereld: liber amicorum voor Boudewijn Bakker, pp. 152-158
Bussum (Thoth) 2008


“De Stedenmaagd als bouwmeester: Nicolaes Berchems Allegorie op de uitbreiding van Amsterdam”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Maandblad Amstelodamum 94 nr. 5 (2007), pp. 19-30

“Pieter Isaacsz’s militia piece Company of Captain Jacob Gerritsz Hoyngh and Lieutenant Appelman”
Norbert Middelkoop
Essay in Pieter Isaacsz (1569-1625) : court painter, art dealer and spy
Edited by Badeloch Noldus and Juliette Roding
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2007 in Hillerød (Museum of National History, Frederiksborg Castle)
320 pp., 29 cm
Turnhout (Brepols) 2007


Rembrandt puur, in het Amsterdams Historisch Museum/The essence of Rembrandt, in the Amsterdam Historical Museum
Jaco Rutgers and Norbert Middelkoop
Published on the occasion of an exhibition held in Amsterdam (Amsterdams Historisch Museum) in 2006
24 pp., 30 cm.
Amsterdam (Amsterdams Historisch Museum) 2006


“Nieuw leven voor Adriaen Backers Anatomische les van Dr. Frederik Ruysch”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Maandblad Amstelodamum 92 nr. 1 (2005), pp. 3-16

“Immortalati intorno al tavolo anatomico: le lezioni di anatomia nella pittura olandese”
Norbert Middelkoop
Essay in catalogue of exhibition Rappresentare il corpo: arte e anatomia da Leonardo all’Illuminismo, held in 2004-05 in Bologna (Museo di Palazzo Poggi), pp. 119-132


Editorship of and entries in De Hollandse Meesters van een Amsterdamse bankier: de verzameling van Adriaan van der Hoop (1778-1854)
Norbert Middelkoop
Catalogue, edited by Ellinoor Bergvelt, Jan Piet Filedt Kok and Norbert Middelkoop, of exhibition held in 2004 in Amsterdam (Amsterdams Historisch Museum)
Zwolle (Waanders) 2004

“The anatomy lesson of Dr. Deijman and its place in Rembrandt’s portraiture”
Norbert Middelkoop
Essay in volume of proceedings, edited by Toshiharu Nakamura, Rembrandt as norm and anti-norm: papers given at the colloquium held at the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, December 15, 2002, pp. 93-123
Kyoto 2004


“Aspetti del ritratto di gruppo olandese nel Seicento”
Norbert Middelkoop
Essay and entries in catalogue, edited by Omar Calabrese and Claudio Strinati, of exhibition Persone: ritratti di gruppo da Van Dyck a De Chirico, held in 2003 in Rome (Palazzo Venezia), pp. 59-63, 168-69
Milan 2003

“Een kleinfigurige bijdrage aan de iconografie van P.C. Hooft”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Maandblad Amstelodamum 90 (2003) nr. 5, pp. 3-20


Kopstukken: Amsterdammers geportretteerd, 1600-1800
Norbert Middelkoop
Editorship, introductory essay and catalogue entries of catalogue of exhibition held in 2002 in Amsterdam (Amsterdams Historisch Museum)
Bussum 2002

“Kunsthistorische aspecten van de vier Delftse anatomische lessen”
Norbert Middelkoop in collaboration with Jeroen Jurjens
Article in volume of essays edited by Hans Houtzager and Michiel Jonker, De snijkunst verbeeld: Delftse anatomische lessen nader belicht
Delft/Voorburg (Reinier de Graaf) and Zwolle (Waanders) 2002


“Visies op de werkelijkheid: Damgezichten in het Amsterdams Historisch Museum”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Jaarboek Amstelodamum 93 (2001), pp.152-71

“Schilderijen voor het nieuwe Amsterdams Historisch Museum: de bijdrage van het Rijksmuseum”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Jaarboek Amstelodamum 93 (2001), pp.62-89


“Hollandse meesters voor Australië; onderzoek naar zeven schilderijen voor de tentoonstelling The Golden Age of Dutch Art”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 47 (1999) nr.2/3, pp. 174-97

“‘Large and magnificent Paintings, all relating to the Surgeon’s Art’: the collection of paintings of the Amsterdam Guild of Surgeons”
Norbert Middelkoop
Essay in catalogue of exhibition Rembrandt under the scalpel: The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp dissected,, held in 1998 in The Hague (Mauritshuis), pp. 9-38, 79-85
The Hague (Mauritshuis) 1998

“Portret van de familie Jacott-Hoppesack” [by Pieter de Hooch]
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in Bulletin van de Vereniging Rembrandt 8 (1998) nr.2, pp.18-20


The Golden Age of Dutch art: seventeenth century paintings from the Rijksmuseum and Australian collections
Norbert Middelkoop
Catalogue of exhibition held in 1997-98 in Perth (Art Gallery of Western Australia), Adelaide (Art Gallery of South Australia) and Brisbane (Art Gallery of Queensland)

“Flowery Borrowings: Notes on a Dutch Still Life at the National Gallery of Victoria”
Norbert Middelkoop
Article in The Art Bulletin of Victoria 38 (1997), pp. 45-50


De anatomische les van Dr. Deyman
Norbert Middelkoop, with the collaboration of Michiel Jonker
Monographic study
30 pp.
Amsterdam 1994


Entries in Vastenavond – carnaval: feesten van de omgekeerde wereld
Norbert Middelkoop
Entries in catalogue of exhibition held in 1992-93 in Den Bosch (Noordbrabants Museum) and Bergen op Zoom (Het Markiezenhof)

The Golden Age: paintings by Dutch masters
Norbert Middelkoop
Catalogue of exhibition held in 1992 in Sasebo (Huis ten Bosch) Japan


Frans Hals: life – work – restoration
Anne van Grevenstein and Norbert Middelkoop
London 1989

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