The city’s administrative authority is proposing to recruit a curator (male or female) for its pre-20th century art collections, the appointment to be as a full-time employee subject to an indefinite-term contract of service, to meet the needs of its 2 museums, and in particular its Villa Vauban.
Function and tasks
Subject to the authority of the city’s Director of Museums and Art Galleries, the Luxembourg City’s pre-20th century art curator will be responsible for the suitable conservation of collections entrusted to the institution, for their scientific study and for their proper exploitation in the form of published works and temporary displays.
• Ensuring the collections are accessible to many potential viewers of diverse natures;
• Deciding on, developing, establishing and organising a programme of exhibitions, including a permanent display of works in the collection and temporary displays on artistic and cultural themes related to the permanent collection;
• Bringing together experts needed to produce published works based on in-depth scientific research;
• Deciding, in collaboration with the person responsible for cultural activities, on an original and challenging educational programme.
This list of tasks is not exhaustive, and is subject to modification. More comprehensive information relating to the tasks can be requested from Ms Danièle Wagener, the Director of the 2 Museums: telephone 352 4796-4560.
Required profile
To fulfil the function, the candidate must have:
– at least five years’ professional experience in a position involving responsibilities in a cultural institution, and be able to draw on a network of contacts who are active in the field.
– good skills in managing a team, budgets and extensive projects, particularly in organising exhibitions.
– the skills and abilities listed below:
o creative and analytical mind, with a proactive approach;
o a focused approach, with good ability to organise and co-ordinate;
o ability to work independently, but also to motivate and to work in a team;
o leadership capabilities and charisma;
o feeling at ease in relationships with others;
o good communicative competence;
o ability to foresee or otherwise detect problems, and to resolve them;
o ability to put forward ideas that will enable the discussions and sharing of knowledge to progress;
o ability to act as a mediator and facilitator;
o awareness of responsibilities.
– good knowledge of the IT tools used in museums and art galleries, particularly databases to manage the collections (notably Museum Plus).
The summary describing the specific conditions to be fulfilled and the documents to be attached to the application is available from the:
Direction des ressources humaines de la Ville de Luxembourg, 9, bd F.D. Roosevelt (2e étage), L2450 Luxembourg, T + 352 4247, or form the website:
Applications, with the required supporting documents, should be sent to: Collège des bourgmestre et échevins, L-2090 LUXEMBOURG, to be received no later than Friday, 6 May 2011. Incomplete applications will not be considered.