On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Low Countries Sculpture Society in 2012, it launches an Award of € 2,500.00. In 2012 this Award will commend a conservation project that was finished during the years 2002-2012 on a sculpture in any material that has a physical or historic connection to the Low Countries, produced in any time between Classical Antiquity and today. This can include sculptures from outside the Low Countries, currently in a museum or another publicly accessible space in the Low Countries.
Conservation is one of the pillars of the action undertaken by the Society in the last ten years. During the events organised by the Society, such as field visits and conferences, the Society has systematically considered conservation issues and practices and encouraged reflection on these. The Society hopes to increase public awareness of current conservation practices and stimulate international debate about these amongst conservation professionals. The award itself should serve to co-finance a future conservation project of the award recipient that would otherwise not be undertaken for lack of funding. It should be noted that the Award will be given to an individual conservator, not to an institution. This means that conservators who are employed by a public institution that does not allow them to work outside their institution should refrain from participating.
Award Ceremony
On Wednesday 14 March 2012 at 6.30 pm in Gent, Belgium, on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary Lecture and Dinner of the Low Countries Sculpture Society.
Closing date for project submissions
Wednesday 22 February 2012 at 4 pm (Paris time).
Download the application form here.