11-15 November 1999
N.B. Contact information is from 1999 and may be out of date.
A study trip to the exhibition Onder den Oranje Boom: Die Oranier und Deutschland. The exhibition presented a vast range of art and documents pertaining to the ties between the House of Orange and Germany. The trip formed an extension of the first CODART congress, CODART EEN, which was devoted to The collections of Frederik Hendrik and Amalia van Solms and their dispersal.
We visited not only the exhibition but also some other major sites and collections having to do with this rich subject. Sans Souci Palace, the Bildergalerie and Schloss Caputh were shown to us by the curator of the collections there, Gerd Bartoschek. For most of us our day in Schwerin, where we were greeted warmly by the director Kornelia von Berswordt- Wallrabe and the curators Lise Jürsz and Hela Baudis, was the first visit to that treasure chest of art from the Netherlands in a German context. The new Gemäldegalerie (and for some of us the Kunstgewerbemuseum) on the Kulturforum in Berlin was a highpoint of the trip. The display of paintings in Jagdschloss Grunewald turned out to be much richer than we expected.
The final day was the busiest, with visits under the guidance of Wolfgang Savelsberg and Katharina Bechler to Schloss Mosigkau, the Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie, the Bauhaus and Schloss Wörlitz.
Below is a brief report on the trip, with the names and addresses of our hosts and guides. Now that they know us, I am sure that they would be pleased to hear in the future from CODART members.
Thursday, 11 November
Our host at Restaurant Zur Nolle,
in the name of the Netherlands embassy,
was Monique Ruhe
Ms. Monique Ruhe
Eerste Ambassadesecretaris Cultuur
Royal Netherlands Embassy
Friedrichstrasse 95
D-10117 Berlin
T +49 30 201 2023
F +49 30 201 2015
At lunch we met Gerd Bartoschek, Melitta Jonas and Diedericke Oudesluijs of the Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg as well as Jan Konst of the Freie Universität.
Dr. Oudesluijs shepherded us to Oranienburg on the S-Bahn. She and Dr. Bartoschek guided us through the exbibition, showed us where to get the best coffee and cake in Oranienburg and joined us for dinner at the Hackescher Hof in Berlin.
Dr. Gerd Bartoschek
Allee nach Sanssouci 5
D-14471 Potsdam
T +49 331 9694 0(S) 9694 145(X)
F +49 331 9694104
Dr. Melitta Jonas
Projektleiter, Ausstellungsbüro
Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg
Am Grünen Gitter 2
D-14469 Potsdam
T +49 331 9694 0(S) 9694 291/292(X)
F +49 331 9694 293
Dr. Diedericke Maurina Oudesluijs
Stellvertr. Projektleiterin Oranierbüro
Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg
Allee nach Sanssouci 5
D-14471 Potsdam
T +49 172 310 6064
F +49 331 9694 193
Friday, 12 November
We were met at Sanssouci by Burkhard Göres. Gerd Bartoschek, then showed us through the palace, the Bildergalerie and, after lunch in the Wiener Café, Schloss Caputh and (in pasing) the Holländische Viertel by Gerd Bartoschek.
Dr. burkhard Göres
Direktor Schlösser
Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg
Allee nach Sanssouci 5
D-14471 Potsdam
T +49 331 9694 0(C) 9694 307(X)
F +49 331 9694104
Saturday, 13 November
In Schwerin (after an unannounced detour to Ludwigslust) we were greeted and shown through the painting galleries by Kornelia von Berswordt, with Lise Jürsz and Hela Baudis at her side. The museum offered us a light lunch in the bookshop, after which we returned to the paintings gallery before being taken to the new printroom by Hela Baudis.
Dr. Kornelia von Berswordt-Wallrabe
Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Alter Garten 3
D-19055 Schwerin
T +49 385 595 817 0 (S) 595 817-110(X)
F +49 385 563 090
Ms. Lise Jürsz
Vizedirektor und Leiterin der Gemäldegalerie
Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Alter Garten 3
D-19055 Schwerin
T +49385 595 817 0 (S) 385 595 817 140(X)
F +49 385 563 090
Ms. Hela Baudis
Leiterin der Kupferstichkabinett
Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Alter Garten 3
D-19055 Schwerin
T +49 385 595 817-0 (S) 385 595 817 870 (X)
F +49 385 563 090
At 3 p.m. we moved on to the Schweriner Schloss, where we were guided by Berna Bartel.
Ms. Berna Bartel
Lennéstraße 1
D-19053 Schwerin
T+49 385 56 57 38
F +49 385 56 30 91
Sunday, 14 November
The morning program was a bus tour through old and new Berlin by Jan Konst. At 10 we were at the Kulturforum, where we stayed until 2 p.m. The afternoon closed with a visit to Jagdschloss Grunewald.
Prof. Dr. J.W.H. Konst
Professor of Dutch Philology at Freie Universität Berlin
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
D-14195 Berlin
T +49 30 838 2986 | +49 30 838 4423
F +49 30 838 3768
At 5 p.m. we left for Wörlitz, where we were met at Hotel zum Stein by Wolfgang Savelsberg , who joined us for dinner. Katharina Bechler arrived later.
Dr. Wolfgang Savelsberg
Kulturstiftung Dessau Wörlitz -Schloss Gross Kühnau
D-06846 Dessau
T +49 340 646 150 (S) | 340 646 1535(X)
F +49 340 646 1510
Dr. Katharina Bechler
Kulturstiftung Dessau Wörlitz -Schloss Gross Kühnau
D-06846 Dessau
T +49 340 646 150 (S) | 340 646 1535(X)
F +49 340 646 1510
Monday, 15 November
From the morning until we left for the airport at 3:15 we were guided by Wolfgang Savelsberg and Katharina Bechler, with an extra hand in the Bauhaus, where we had lunch. In the morning we visited Schloss Mosigkau and the Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie in the Georgium, and in the afternoon Schloss Wörlitz.
Behind the scenes the travel plans were arranged in cooperation with Paul Vigeveno, with the German mbassy in the Netherlands looking over our shoulder and consulting with us.
Mr. Paul Vigeveno
Voyage & Culture
Prinsengracht 783-785
NL-1017 JZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 20 623 8368
F +31 20 620 2820
Mr. Eberhard von Puttkammer
German Embassy
Groot Hertoginnelaan 18-20
NL-2517 EG Den Haag
The Netherlands
F +31 70 365 1957
Ms. Gabriele Weber
Head of the Cultural Department
German Embassy
Groot Hertoginnelaan 18-20
NL-2517 EG Den Haag
The Netherlands
T +31 70 342 0630
F +31 70 365 1957
Drs. Peter van den Brink | Curator, Bonnefantenmuseum |
Dr. Lola B. Gellman | Art historian |
Ms. Harriët Haakma Wagenaar | Associate Oranjezaal Restoration Project |
Mr. Willem Haakma Wagenaar | Associate Oranjezaal Restoration Project |
Mr. Jan Willem van Heuven | |
Ms. Emerentia van Heuven | Curator, Paleis Het Loo Nationaal Museum |
Dr. Paul Huvenne | Director, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten |
Mr. Wim Jacobs | Director of operations, Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage |
Mr. F. van Kersen | |
Ms. M.F. van Kersen-Halbertsma | Freelance associate Paleis Het Loo |
Dr. Erik Löffler | Associate, Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD) |
Dr. Annaliese Mayer-Meintschel | Curator emeritus Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister |
Ms. C.J. van Nes | Associate, Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage |
Ms. Helena Risthein | Curator, Art Museum of Estonia |
Mr. Robert Schillemans | Assistant Curator, Museum Amstelkring Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder |
Mr. Steph Scholten | Associate, Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage |
Ms. Loekie Schwartz | |
Mr. Gary Schwartz | Director, CODART |
Maarssen, 25 November 1999
Gary Schwartz
Page last updated on 3 June 2002