CODART ZES Study trip
Study trip to Boston, Cambridge and Worcester (29 October-3 November 2003)
Preliminary program as of 22 October 2003
For a report on the program as completed, see Courant 7, pp. 15-22.
Wednesday, 29 October
14:15 Suggested flight: Northwest Airlines flight NW 37 from Amsterdam to Boston (not included).
16:05 Arrival at Logan Airport.
17:30 Check in to hotel.
John Jeffries House
14 David G. Mugar Way
(off Cambridge Street near Charles, across from the Massachusetts General Hospital, called by Bostonians MGH)
Boston, MA 02114
T +1 617 367 1866
F +1 617 742 0313
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17:15-19:15 Two exhibitions mounted on the occasion of the CODART ZES study trip on view at
St. Botolph Club
199 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02116
T +1 617 536 7570
F +1 617 267 0925
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Rembrandt drawings: 25 years in the Peck Collection
Dutch 18th-century drawings and watercolors from the Gordon Collection
Members of the Boston art community have been invited to see the exhibition from that hour on. Study trip participants who are already in Boston can make their way on their own to the venue of the exhibition.
18:30 The rest of the group meets in the lobby of John Jeffries House to leave for the club.
19:30-21:30Dinner offered by Leena and Sheldon Peck and Naomi and Roger Gordon at the club. Male participants note: the St. Botolph Club requires that you wear jackets and ties.
21:00-23:00 Exhibitions remain on view.
Thursday, 30 October
10:00 Fogg Art Museum
32 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
T +1 617 495 9400
Visits to the permanent collection and paintings reserves, guided by Ivan Gaskell, the drawing collection, under the care of Bill Robinson, and the prints, which are the preserve of Jerry Cohn. She will show the Light-Outerbridge collection of 16th- and 17th-century Dutch and Flemish landscape prints, a refined and specialized collection including some wonderful rarities and outstanding impressions. For these visits the group will be divided in two and will change places around 11:15.
12:30 Lunch in the Sert Gallery Café, located in the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, the only building in North America designed by Le Corbusier.
14:00 Free time in Cambridge for the other Harvard University Art Museums, a walk around the campus of Harvard University, visit to the Widener Library, or a look at the bookstores on Harvard Square.
16:00 By bus to Newton for visit to collection of 17th-century paintings and drawings of George Abrams and his late wife Maida.
18:30 Dinner is offered by George Abrams at his home.
20:45 Bus back to John Jeffries House.
Friday, 31 October
9:00 Staff entrance (down staircase and ramp to the right of the main West Wing entrance) to:
Museum of Fine Arts
Avenue of the Arts
465 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115-5523
T +1 617 267 9300
MFA curators will await us there and bring us to Rembrandt: painter, draftsman, etcher. Visit to exhibition and general collection.
12:00 Ronni Baer will meet the group at entrance to Rembrandt exhibition and bring us to Trustees Room, where lunch will be offered by the MFA (courtesy of Restaurant Associates). At lunch there will be discussion of the exhibition, moderated by Gary Schwartz.
13:00-16:30 The painting reserves will be shown to us by Ronni Baer, the conservation lab by Rhona MacBeth and the department of prints and drawings by Cliff Ackley and Tom Rassieur. Additional time for general collection.
16:30 Group meets at entrance to West Wing for walk to
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
side entrance (to the right of the main entrance): 2 Palace Road
Boston, MA 02115
T +1 617 566 1401
F +1 617 278 5167
General visit and reception, met by our member Alan Chong. Although some of the greatest of the Dutch paintings in the museum are missing since the theft of 1990, the visit is of importance for the place of Dutch and Flemish art in an authentically preserved early 20th-century collection.
18:30 Departure by taxi for hotel.
20:00 Dinner offered by Bill Middendorf, collector, artist, former United States Secretary of the Navy and Ambassador of the United States to the Netherlands, at
Somerset Club
42 Beacon St
Boston, MA 02108-3694
T +1 617 227 1731
The Somerset Club is in distance of a pleasant walk from the hotel.
Access Guide to Boston: ‘Painter John Singleton Copley lived in a house that once stood on this site, until he went to England in 1744 and never returned. Today, the Greek Revival granite bowfront that replaced Copley’s house aggressively protrudes beyond its neighbors’ façades, and houses an ultra-exclusive private club.’
N.B. From the Club Policies: “The use of nametags is strictly prohibited.
The Club requires that gentlemen wear jackets and ties at all times.”
Saturday, 1 November
9:00 Departure in two vans for Manchester.
10:00 Visit to painting collection of Jim Mullen and Nola Anderson.
12:00 Departure for Marblehead.
13:00 Lunch and visit to collection of Eijk and Rose-Marie de Mol van Otterloo).
16:00 Departure for Concord.
17:00 Visit to Bob and Barbara Wheaton collection of 16th-century prints.
19:00 Dinner offered by the Wheatons at their home
21:00 Return by van to hotel.
Sunday, 2 November
11:00 Visit to Anne and Peter Brooke collection of Dutch 17th-century paintings, Boston. We will be the guests of the Brookes for a light lunch.
13:00 Departure by bus for
14:15 Worcester Art Museum
55 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609-3196
T +1 508 799 4406
F +1 508 799 5646
17:00 Jim Welu offers reception and dinner at his home.
10 Massachusetts Avenue
Worcester, MA 01609-1649
T +1 508 756 2237
21:00 Departure by bus for hotel.
Monday, 3 November
9:30 Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies
Harvard University Art Museums
32 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138-3383
T +1 617 495 2392
F +1 617 495 0322
The group will be admitted before opening. Since the Straus is located in a high-security facility, the doors will be closed behind us. Latecomers will not be admitted until the regular opening at 10:00.
To mark the CODART study trip, the Straus has given priority to work on the Abrams donation of Dutch and Flemish drawings.
9:30-9:45 Welcome, brief history of the Straus Center by Henry Lie, Director.
9:45-11:00 Tour of the Center in two groups, demos of infrared reflectography and digital imaging.
11:00-11:30 Coffee.
11:40-12:30 Research and documentation of the Abrams Collection, Craigen Bowen and Katya Kallsen.
12:30-14:00 End of study trip, lunch at the Naumburg Room in the Straus Center.
14:00-18:00 Optional: bus charter to New York, leaving directly from the Straus Center. Arrival dependent on traffic conditions. Place of arrival will be in mid-town Manhattan, with access to taxis and subway. Location to be announced.
For those returning to Amsterdam, the suggested flight is
18:45 NW 38 Northwest Airline flight from Logan Airport, Boston, to Amsterdam.
Participants extending their trip with a visit to New York are invited to attend:
Tuesday, 4 November
18:00-20:00 a cocktail party held in honor of our visit by the Embassy Counselor for Culture of the Royal Netherlands Embassy, Jeanne Wikler, at her apartment in Chelsea.
Tuesday, 4 November – Wednesday, 12 November
Walter Liedtke and his associate in the Department of European Paintings, Patrice Mattia, have arranged for participants to be admitted free of charge, to:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10028
T +1 212 879 5500
The Cloisters
Fort Tryon Park
New York, NY 10040
T +1 212 923 3700
To gain admission to the Metropolitan Museum, show your study trip badge at the Group Registration Desk in the main lobby of the Museum (not at the cash registers). The Group Registration Desk is at the left when you are facing the stairs.
At the Cloisters, an admission button from the Metropolitan Museum may be used. If you do not have one, ask the attendant at the cash register to call the Education Dept. at extension 2280 to confirm your admission and be given a button. The contact person in the Education Dept. is Douglas Dukes. Note that both museums are closed on Monday.
Tuesday, 4 November – Sunday, 9 November
Louisa Wood Ruby has arranged for participants to be admitted free of charge, upon showing their study trip badges, to
The Frick Collection
1 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021
T +1 212 288 0700
F +1 212 628 4417
Note that the museum is open on Tuesday the 4th, which is Election Day, only from 13:00 to 18:00. On other days the opening hours are 10:00-18:00.
Wednesday, 5 November
10:00 Participants invited by Louisa Wood Ruby to visit
The Frick Art Reference Library
10 East 71st Street
New York, NY 10021-4967
T +1 212 288 8700
F +1 212 879 2091
The Frick Art Reference Library is one of the premier research facilities for Dutch and Flemish as well as other schools in the United States. It is the only site worldwide with J. Michael Montias’s complete database of 1100 inventories from the Dutch archives. The database will be demonstrated during the visit.
14:30 Up to ten participants are invited by Michiel Plomp to visit the drawing study room of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He will show and comment on recent acquisitions of Dutch and Flemish drawings. The group will present itself at the group desk in the main lobby of the museum, to the left as you face the steps.
Program subject to change.
Navany Almazan
Postbus 76709
NL-1070 KA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 20 305 4521
F +31 20 305 4500
E navany.
Taco Dibbits
Curator of Dutch 17th-century paintings
Postbus 74888
NL-1070 DN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 20 674 7282
F +31 20 674 7001
E t.
Eric Domela Nieuwenhuis
Curator of fine arts
Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage
Postbus 1098
NL-2280 CB Rijswijk
The Netherlands
T +31 70 307 3839
F +31 70 319 2398
E eric.
Wietske Donkersloot
Senior associate
Postbus 76709
NL-1070 KA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 20 305 4515
F +31 20 305 4500
E wietske.
Charles Dumas
Chief curator
Netherlands Institute for Art History
Postbus 90418
NL-2509 LK Den Haag
The Netherlands
T +31 70 333 9777
F +31 70 333 789
Eliška Fučíková
National Heritage Department
Office of the President
CZ-11908 Prague 1-Hrad
Czech Republic
T +420 2 2437 2166
F +420 2 2437 2018
E eliska.
Saskia van Haaren
Chief curator
Museum Catharijneconvent
Postbus 8518
NL-3503 RM Utrecht
The Netherlands
T +31 30 231 3835
F +31 30 231 7896
E se.
Stephen Hartog
Senior curator
Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage
Postbus 1098
NL-2280 CB Rijswijk
The Netherlands
T +31 70 307 3841
F +31 70 319 2398
E stephen.
Guus van den Hout
Museum Catharijneconvent
Postbus 8518
NL-3503 RM Utrecht
The Netherlands
T +31 30 231 3835
F +31 30 231 7896
E ahpj.
Paul Huvenne
Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten
Plaatsnijdersstraat 2
B-2000 Antwerpen
T +31 3 242 0421
F +32 3 248 0810
Wim Jacobs
Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage
Postbus 76709
NL-1070 KA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 20 305 4506
F +31 20 305 4500
E wim.
Huigen Leeflang
Curator of prints
Rijksmuseum printroom
Postbus 74888
NL-1070 DN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 20 674 7261
F +31 20 674 7001
E h.
Bernd Lindemann
Curator of old master paintings
Kunstmuseum Basel
CH-4010 Basel
+41 61 206 6239
+41 61 206 6253
E Bernd.
Jan De Maere
Documentation Center for the Flemish Cultural Patrimony
9 rue des Minimes
B-1000 Brussels
T +32 2 502 2400
F +32 2 502 0750
Angel M. Navarro
Professor of art history
University of Buenos Aires
Avenida Quintana 16-6to. “M”
1014 Buenos Aires
T +54 11 4812 6836
F +54 11 4814 5033 c/o Ms. Casal
Sander Paarlberg
Curator of Old Masters
Dordrechts Museum
Postbus 1170
NL-3300 BD Dordrecht
The Netherlands
T +31 78 648 2148
F +31 78 614 1766
Zuzana Paternostro
Museo Nacional de Belas Artes
Av. Rio Branco 199
Rio de Janeiro 20040 008
T +55 21 2240 0068
F +55 21 2262 6067
Maritta Pitkänen
The Gösta Serlachius Museum of Fine Arts
FIN-35800 Mänttä
T +358 3474 5515
E maritta.
Helena Risthein
Art Museum of Estonia
Kiriku plats 1
10130 Tallinn
T +372 644 9513
F +372 644 2094
Peter Schoon
Dordrechts Museum
Postbus 1170
NL-3300 BD Dordrecht
The Netherlands
T +31 78 648 2148
F +31 78 614 1766
Gary Schwartz
Postbus 162
NL-3600 AD Maarssen
The Netherlands
T +31 346 580 553
F +31 346 580 554
E gary.
Loekie Schwartz
Postbus 162
NL-3600 AD Maarssen
The Netherlands
T +31 346 562 778
F +31 346 570 574
Nicolette Sluijter- Seijffert
Director emeritus
Museum Het Catharina Gasthuis
Oosthaven 10
NL-2801 PB Gouda
The Netherlands
T +31 182 588 440
F +31 182 588 671
Anna Tummers
Assistant curator of exhibitions
National Foundation De Nieuwe Kerk
Spaarndammerstraat 71-A1
NL-1013 TB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 20 682 6870
Alexander Vergara
Senior curator of Flemish and Northern European paintings
Museo Nacional del Prado
Paseo del Prado
E-28014 Madrid
T +34 91 330 2824
F +34 91 330 2852
E alejandro. vergara@prado.mcu. es
Thea Vignau-Wilberg
Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München
Meiserstrasse 10
D-80333 Munich
T +49 89 2892 7656
F +49 89 2892 7653
E t.
Rik van Wegen
< Postbus 1735
NL-6201 BS Maastricht
The Netherlands
T +31 43 329 0104
F +31 43 329 0199
Local CODART ZES committee
George S. Abrams
Winer and Abrams counsellors at law
60 State street. Suite 2329 Boston MA 02109
T +1 617 526 6539
F +1 617 526 5000
Ronni Baer
Curator of European painting
Museum of Fine Arts
465 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115
T +1 404 257 3336
F +1 404 303 0599
Alan Chong
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
2 Palace Road
Boston MA 02115
T +1 617 278 5113
F +1 617 278 5177
Ivan Gaskell
Fogg Art Museum
32 Quincy Street
Cambridge MA 02138
T +1 617 496 4252
F +1 617 496 2359
Tom Rassieur
Assistant curator of prints and drawings
Museum of Fine Arts (see above)
T +1 617 369 3432
F +1 617 536 4102
William W. Robinson
Curator of drawings
Fogg Art Museum (see above)
T +1 617 495 2382
F +1 617 496 3800
Ron Spronk
Associate curator for research
Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies
32 Quincy Street
Cambridge MA 02138
T +1 617 495 0987
F +1 617 495 0322
James A. Welu
Worcester Art Museum
55 Salisbury Street
Worcester MA 01609-3123
T +1 508 799 4406 X3023 +1 508 798 5646
F +1 508 798 5646