The June 2021 issue of Print Quarterly (Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2) has been published and contains one article on a Dutch artist:
A note on Rembrandt’s newly restored Fall of Haman in the Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg details the curatorial methodology surrounding its exhibition and presents a brief review of the Russian catalogue. The text pays close attention to Irina Sokolova’s essay which describes the role a print played in the painting’s acquisition by Catherine the Great, as well as discussing a number of Rembrandt prints. Viktor Korobov’s conservation report is also discussed.
Orthodox Prints in the Samokov Painters’ Archive by Claire Brisby
‘Souvenirs de l’Ombrellino’: Early Prints by Marcellin Desboutin by Michele Amedei
Reproducing the United States Capitol Rotunda by Natalia Ángeles Vieyra
Shorter Notice
Francesco de Nanto in Rome 1524–26: New Documents by Michael Bury
Prints After the Antique Up to 1869 by F. Carlo Schmid
Alonso Berruguete: First Sculptor of Renaissance Spain by Benito Navarette Prieto
Rosenwald, Hind and Early Modern Portrait Engravings by Lara Langer
Spanish Drawing Books (El Maestro de Papel) by Francisco J. R. Chaparro
Rembrandt’s Fall of Haman in the Hermitage by Anatole Upart
Surimono From the Virginia Shawan Drosten and Patrick Kenadjian Collection by Ellis Tinios
A Portrait by Jeanne-Elisabeth Chaudet and Its Source by David Ekserdijan
Joseph Philibert Girault de Prangey (1804 –92) by Jean Michel Massing
Toulouse-Lautrec & The Art of Celebrity by Nicholas-Henri Zmelty
Gustave Baumann (1881–1971) by Jane Glaubinger
Folded Books: Die Geschichte(n) Gefalteter Bücher by Gitta Bertram
Barnett Freedman (1901–58) by Martin Hopkinson
Evan Summer by Martin Hopkinson
Franz Gertsch: The 90th Birthday Tribute by Laurence Schmidlin
The Graphic Works of Günter Brus by Lena Fritsch
Anna Metz by Elmer Kolfin
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Revisiting Hans Baldung in Karlsruhe by Armin Kunz
German Illustrated Broadsheets from the Moritzburg by Jean Michel Massing
Bridget Riley: The Complete Prints 1962–2020 by Gill Saunders
Jasper Johns Monotypes by Joan Rothfuss
About Print Quarterly
Print Quarterly is the leading international journal dedicated to the art of the print from its origins to the present. It is peer-reviewed. The Journal publishes recent scholarship on a wide range of topics, including printmakers, iconography, social and cultural history, popular culture, print collecting, book illustration, decorative prints, and techniques such as engraving, etching, woodcutting, lithography and digital printmaking. For subscriptions see