CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Print Quarterly June 2024 (Vol. XLI, No. 2) Issue Published

One article and two book reviews in the June 2024 issue of Print Quarterly may be of interest to CODART members for their material relating to Dutch and Flemish artists and the wider activities of the region.

Pieter Martens’s article on Hieronymus Cock discusses his overlooked battle and siege prints, particularly the fresh insights one can gather when examining the recently discovered one depicting the Siege of Centallo, 1558. An unpublished Spanish account of the siege and a handful of fortification plans is used to assess the accuracy of Cock’s print. This is followed by a reconsideration of the small group of prints of current battles and sieges etched by Cock himself, a neglected but significant part of the artist’s oeuvre.

Marisa Bass has reviewed Edward Wouk’s first complete English translation of Domenicus Lampsonius’ The Life of Lambert Lombard (1565); and Effigies of Several Famous Painters from the Low Countries (1572).

Finally, Joanna Sheers Seidenstein discusses Amy Golahny’s in-depth publication about Rembrandt’s Hundred Guilder Print.


Hieronymus Cock’s Battle Prints Reconsidered in Light of his Siege of Centallo by Pieter Martens

Compiling Standardized Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae Albums, c. 1575–81 by Magdalena Herman

Simon Gribelin’s Presentation Albums by Rhian Wong


Early German Engraving before Dürer (Vor Dürer: Kupferstich wird Kunst) by Mailena Mallach

Albrecht Dürer: Gravure et Renaissance by Catherine Jenkins

The Liberna Collection, Mettingen, Germany (Storytelling: Die erzählerische Kraft der Druckgrafik and Von der Schönheit der Präzision: Faszination Buchkunst und Grafik mit der Liberna Collection) by Anthony Griffiths

The Power of Women – Prints from the Moret Collection (El poder de mujeres. Ecos del Weibermacht en la Colección Mariano Moret) by Elena Escuredo

Andrea Fulvio’s Illustrium Imagines and the Beginnings of Classical Archaeology by Andrew Burnett

Poseidon with a Bident by Bernard Barryte

Mikhail Makhaev’s (1717–70) St Petersburg (Peterburg Mikhaila Makhaeva. Grafika I zhivopis’ vtoroi poloviny XVIII veka) by Galina Mardilovich

Playing Cards: The Art of the Deal by Shijia Yu

Promenades on Paper: Eighteenth-Century French Drawings from the Bibliothèque National de France by The Goldring

Edvard Munch (1863–1944) and the Avant-Garde in Paris and Berlin (Munch and his World: Graphic Arts and the Avant-Garde in Paris and Berlin) by Lars Berg

Hiroshige Fan Prints: The Georges Leskowicz Collection (Hiroshige. Les éventails d’Edo – Estampes de la Collection Georges Leskowicz) by Adele Schlombs

B.J.O. Nordfeldt: American Internationalist by Julie Mellby

Albert Baertsoen (Protagoniste fin de siècle) by Giorgio Marini

Catching the Moment : Contemporary Art from the Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison Simmons Collection by Leslie Cozzi

The Linocuts of Les Indélicats (1932–36) (Les linogravures du groupe Les Indélicats, 1932–1936. Supports artistiques d’une contestation politique et sociale) by Martin Hopkinson

MODERN ART REVIEWed (Art Reviews, Magazines and Gallery Bulletins in Europe, 1910–1940) by Stephen J. Bury

American Modernism (Graphic Eloquence: American Modernism on Paper from the Collection of Michael T. Ricker) by Judith Brodie

William Kentridge: Domestic Scenes by Paul Coldwell

Georg Baselitz: Malelade – Suite von 148 Probedrucken by Florian Simm

Obituary for Jay McKean Fisher by Ruth Fine


Publications Received

Catalogue and Book Reviews 

Domenicus Lampsonius from Pen to Print (The Life of Lambert Lombard (1565); and Effigies of Several Famous Painters from the Low Countries (1572)) by Marissa Bass

Rembrandt’s Hundred Guilder Print by Joanna Sheers Seidenstein

William Kentridge, Early Prints and Posters by Jean Michel Massing