CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Print Quarterly March 2023 (Vol. XL, No. 1) Issue Published

Four articles and reviews in the March 2023 issue of Print Quarterly may be of interest to CODART members for their material relating to Dutch and Flemish artists and the wider activities of the region. The issue also contains an obituary for Ger Luijten (1956–2022) by Nadine Orenstein.

The first is a major article from Eckhard Leuschner exploring Luca Ciamberlano’s engraving of the Vision of St Teresa of Ávila, its early iconography and influence on Peter Paul Rubens and possibly also Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The importance of a series of 24 engravings by Adriaen Collaert and Cornelis Galle after designs by Pieter de Jode the Elder, first published in 1613, is mentioned in relation to the Discalced Carmelites’s promoting of St Teresa’s canonisation, which occurred years later 1622. The series soon became quite influential and served as a model for further adaptations. Ciamberlano’s print, which had its own printed imitations in Antwerp, appears to have inspired Rubens’s motif of the kneeling saint confronting Christ in the now-lost Vision of the Blessed Teresa of Ávila altarpiece for the church of the Disclaced Carmelite nuns in Brussels around the mid-1610s.

Secondly, a brief Note by Antony Griffiths on the chronology of an altered plate by William van de Passe depicting the Portrait of the Duke of Buckingham on horseback in the first state, published 1625. It was then modified around 1630/32 in the second state to depict James, 1st Duke of Hamilton, before transforming again into a Portrait of Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector in 1654-58 as a third state. The plate is documented to have been subjected to a fourth ‘very profitable’ change, altered to portray William III but no impression has yet been found.

Thirdly, a Note by Peter van der Coelen reviews Meredith Hale’s book The Birth of Modern Political Satire: Romeyn de Hooghe (1645–1708) and the Glorious Revolution, the first dedicated study of De Hooghe’s propaganda prints against Prince William III of Orange’s opponents during the so-called ‘pamphlet war’ of 1690.

Finally, Roger Kneebone contributed a Review of Flesh and Bones: The Art of Anatomy (by Monique Kornell), which accompanied an exhibition exploring the complex intersections between artists, engravers, anatomists and clinicians over four centuries. Worthy of note are the ways multiple perspectives from different kinds of parties informed the appearance of anatomical illustrations depending on their purpose and audience, resulting in images which were not always neutral in their ‘factual’ representations.

Contents of Volume XL (2023), No. 1

Johann Neudörffer the Elder and the Earliest German Recipe for Copper Etching by Susanne Meurer

Luca Ciamberlano’s Vision of St Teresa of Ávila and its Reflections in the Work of Rubens and Bernini by Eckhard Leuschner

Juan Francisco Rosa: Engraver to the Elite in Eighteenth-Century Lima by Emily C. Floyd with Suzanne Stratton-Pruitt

Shorter Notice
Alfredo Zalce’s Illustrations for El sombererón (1946) by Mark McDonald

Artemisia Gentileschi, Geronima and Isabella Parasole and Lavinia Fontana (By Her Hand: Artemisia Gentileschi and Women Artists in Italy, 1500–1800) by Evelyn Lincoln

Altered Plates by Antony Griffiths

Romeyn Hooghe’s Political Satires (The Birth of Modern Political Satire: Romeyn de Hooghe (1645–1708) and the Glorious Revolution) by Peter van der Coelen

Johann Ulrich Kraus of Augsburg (1655–1719), Engraver, Etcher and Publisher by Helmut Gier

Hokusai: The Great Picture Book of Everything by Stephen Salel

Did Goya have a Workshop? (Goya: Génie d’Avant-Garde. Le Maître et son École and ‘Goya peintre’, in Technè, no. 53) by Janis A. Tomlinson

Ambiguity, Ambivalence and Art Nouveau’s Women (Goddesses of Art Nouveau) by Michaela Milgrom

A Modern Influence: Henri Matisse, Etta Cone and Baltimore by Isabel Seligman

Naturalist Gilbert White (1720–93) and the Artists by Eileen Hogan

Joseph Beuys: Posters by Gill Saunders

Tanaka Ryōhei (1933–2019) by Ellis Tinios

Landfall Press by Robin Reisenfeld

British Printmaking – Hockney to Himid by Paul Coldwell

Obituary for Lino Mannocci (1945–2021) by Anne Lyles

Obituary for Paula Rego (1935–2022) by Paul Coldwell

Obituary for Andrew Edmunds (1943–2022) by Antony Griffiths and Christopher Mendez

Obituary for Ger Luijten (1956–2022) by Nadine Orenstein

Publications Received

Catalogue and Book Reviews
Late Gothic Prints from the German-Speaking World by Joyce Zelen

Giovanni Battista Piranesi’s Plates (Giambattista Piranesi: Matrici incise 1743–1753) by Heather Hyde Minor

The Art of Anatomy (Flesh and Bones) by Roger Kneebone

Prints and Their Makers by Susan Tallman

About Print Quarterly

Print Quarterly is the leading international journal dedicated to the art of the print from its origins to the present. It is peer-reviewed. The Journal publishes recent scholarship on a wide range of topics, including printmakers, iconography, social and cultural history, popular culture, print collecting, book illustration, decorative prints, and techniques such as engraving, etching, woodcutting, lithography and digital printmaking. For subscriptions see