A new issue of The Rijksmuseum Bulletin has appeared. The issue includes an article that focuses on the conservation history and recent treatment of the newly acquired pendant portraits of Marten Soolmans and Oopjen Coppit painted by Rembrandt. Another article informs on the controversy involved with the restoration of Rembrandt’s Syndics in 1929 and the way Rijksmuseum director Frederik Schmidt-Degener dealt with the challenges. The issue also contains an article on one of the more curious portraits made in the seventeenth century – the likeness of the Dutch classical scholar and notorious erotomaniac Hadriaan Beverland (1650-1716).
Contents of The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 66 (2018), no. 4
An Exceptional Commission: Conservation History, Treatment and Painting Technique of Rembrandt’s Marten and Oopjen, 1634
Petria Noble, Esther van Duijn, Erma Hermens, Katrien Keune, Annelies van Loon, Susan Smelt, Gwen Tauber and Robert Erdmann
The Restoration of Rembrandt’s Syndics: A Nineteen-Thirties Cleaning Controversy
Esther van Duijn
The Self-Promotion of a Libertine Bad Boy: Hadriaan Beverland’s Portrait with a Prostitute in the Rijksmuseum
Joyce Zelen
Old Master Drawings
Robert-Jan te Rijdt, Alice Anne Tod and Jane Shoaf Turner
For subscriptions see: rijksmuseum.nl/en/research/the-rijksmuseum-bulletin