Announcement from the Panel Paintings Initiative
The Panel Paintings Initiative is a multi-year, international project that aims to address the need for educational resources and training opportunities in the structural treatment of panel paintings. The initiative includes a two-day symposium at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, a survey of training needs and opportunities, and future workshops and conservation training fellowships.
The symposium will highlight recent developments in panel paintings research and conservation, ranging from specific treatment projects to related exhibition issues. The symposium will also include discussion of education and training needs.
Thanks to support of the Getty Foundation, we are delighted to announce that a limited number of bursaries are available for Central and Eastern European professionals to attend the symposium, Facing the Challenges of Panel Paintings Conservation: Trends, Treatments and Training at the Getty Center in Los Angeles on May 17th and 18th, 2009.
Eligibility guidelines
Conservators and curators from Central and Eastern Europe responsible for the care of panel paintings are eligible to apply. Applicants must be currently employed in a museum or conservation/restoration center or be a freelance conservator working for public collections.
Application procedure
If you wish to apply for a bursary, please request an application form from the Statens Museum for Kunst by contacting Anne Haack Christensen, Project Assistant.
Applications should be returned via e-mail to Anne Haack Christensen before March 31, 2009. Bursaries cover up to 3 nights of accommodation, 4 days per diem, and air travel.
Applicants will be informed of their status no later than April 15, 2009.
Statens Museum for Kunst
Sølvgade 48-50
1307 Copenhagen K
Attn. Anne Haack Christensen
Phone: +45 3374 8427
For more information about the Panel Paintings Initiative project and the symposium visit the Getty website: