CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

New issue of Oud Holland vol. 123 (2010) nr. 3/4 appears

The latest issue of Oud Holland has appeared. Below you can find the contents. Oud Holland is published by Brill in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD). Subscriptions can be obtained here.

Oud Holland, Quarterly for Dutch Art History, vol. 123 (2010) no. 3/4



Molly Faries
"The Vienna wing panels by Geertgen tot Sint Jans and his drawing and painting technique"

Klara Broekhuijsen
"The Institution of the Rosary. Establishing the context for a recently discovered copy after a lost panel by Geertgen tot Sint Jans in the Pommersfelden Book of Hours, Ms. 343"

Stephan Kemperdick
"Albert van Ouwater: ‘The Raising of Lazarus’"

Henri L.M. Defoer
"Enkele nieuwe inzichten met betrekking tot de ‘De Genezing van de Blinde te Jericho’ van de Meester van de Inzameling van het Manna en de lokalisering van diens atelier"

Judith Niessen
"De Meester van Alkmaar en zijn werkplaats, een heroverweging"

Hugo van der Velden
"Boekbespreking van Friso Lammertse, Jeroen Giltaij (red.), cat. tent. Vroege Hollanders, Schilderkunst van de late middeleeuwen, Rotterdam (Museum Boijmans van Beuningen) 2008"

Albert Châtelet
"Early Dutch Painting: Thirty Years On"