The latest issue of Simiolus has appeared. Below you can find its contents.
Simiolus, Netherlands quarterly for the history of art volume 38 (2015-2016), nr. 3
Jeffrey M. Muller and Xander van Eck, Foreword
Valérie Herremans, The legitimate use of images: depiction, retable and veneration in post-Tridentine Flanders
Nancy J. Kay, Crowning Mary and castrating Priapus: the Antwerp Jesuits and their spectacular lessons in idolatry
Sarah Moran, Bringing the Counter-Reformation home: the domestic use of artworks at the Antwerp Beguinage in the seventeenth century
Eelco Nagelsmit, Winter blooms in Brussels: performing the miraculous at St Dorothea’s flower festival, c. 1640-60
Claire Baisier, Seventeenth-century paintings of Antwerp church interiors as promotional material for architectural and decorative projects
Xander van Eck, Pulpits in Leuven and Mechelen: visual sermons on divine grace and predestination