The December issue of Print Quarterly contains a Note by Lieske Tibbe on Dutch Art Nouveau and a Note on Ottavio Leoni that includes a comparison between Anthony van Dyck’s Self-Portrait and Leoni. There is also a Review on chiaroscuro prints by Goltzius and others.
Table of contents
Philippe Thomassin and Giulio Mancini’s Art Collection by JAMIE GABBARELLI
Views of Tangier by Robert Thacker and Thomas Phillips by SIMON TURNER
Brook Andrew and Rebecca Salter: Thinking Contemporary Art through Mokuhanga by RUTH PELZER-MONTADA
Maps of Paradise by DOMINIC BATE
Paul Lautensack by SUSANNA BERGER
Nadal’s Annotations and Meditations on the Gospels by MICHAEL BURY
Upside-Down Printing: A Supplementary Note by AD STIJNMAN
The Art of the Illustrated Book in Seventeenth-Century Venice by PAOLO DELORENZI
Prints Related to Drawings. Salon du Dessin 2013 by LOUIS MARCHESANO
The Collection of the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública by MARK MCDONALD
Piranesi and the Reception of his Work in Australia by MARIO BEVILACQUA
Diary of Alexander Anderson by CONSTANCE C. MCPHEE
The Lunder Collection, Colby College by MARTIN HOPKINSON
Dutch Art Nouveau by LIESKE TIBBE
A Private Collection of Nabi Prints and Drawings by RACHEL SLOAN
Women in Paris 1880 to 1914, the Dean Collection by RACHEL SLOAN
El Lissitzky (1890–1941) by MARIA STARKOVA-VINDMAN
Carlo Alberto Petrucci by MARZIA FAIETTI
Marc Chagall, Impressions by DORIT SCHÄFER
Artist’s Books: Green Leaf Creations by STEPHEN J. BURY
Christiane Baumgartner by JEANNETTE STOSCHEK
Correction. Judith Rothchild
Obituary Ralph Hyde by CELINA FOX
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Chiaroscuro in the Renaissance by NAOKO TAKAHATAKE AND NANCY BIALLER
Seventeenth-Century Zaragoza by MARK MCDONALD
Artists and the Theatre in Baroque Venice by PAOLO DELORENZI
A Monument to Adam von Bartsch by ANETTE MICHELS
Japonisme by ATSUSHI MIURA
New Research on the Poster by BRITANY SALSBURY
Polish Woodcuts after 1900 by WALDEMAR DELUGA
Eduardo Paolozzi by PAUL COLDWELL