The RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History has launched the fully upgraded Rembrandt Database website: This English website makes available unique research material – texts, high-quality images and a range of other data – on paintings by Rembrandt as well as anonymous artists from his school. The site contains art-historical documentation on more than 600 paintings, while technical documentation has also been added for 250 of the works. New functionalities make it easier to access the material and to conduct purposeful research.
National and international data exchange
The database has been enriched with data generated by the comprehensive analysis of Rembrandt’s Saul and David from the Mauritshuis. The museum has inventoried and edited the research results with support from the Johan Maurits Compagnie Foundation. The Tiroler Landesmuseum in Innsbruck has recently published its documentation online. Other partners such as the Städel Museum in Frankfurt, The Leiden Collection in New York and the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart will follow shortly.
Starting point for research
The Rembrandt Database is a collaboration between museums, research institutions and scholars around the world. Its aim is to make available visual and textual material that has emerged from the technical analysis and treatment of paintings. This is the first time that this widely dispersed material is being brought together virtually.
In addition to launching an upgraded Rembrandt Database, The RKD now offers the new database RKDtechnical. This database contains documentation relating to various forms of technical research on paintings. The new tool allows you to search for technical data more effectively thanks to additional filters and search options. Over time, the technical database will be expanded. The material made available online through RKDtechnical can be consulted by appointment at the RKD.