Member of CODART since 2018
PhD Candidate University of Greifswald, Germany.
Jacob Binck (c. 1500-1569) and the spread of art all’antica in Denmark and Prussia
Areas of specialization
- 16th- and 17th-century Netherlandish painting and sculpture
- Migration of Netherlandish artists in the 16th and 17th century
- Art agency at the Nordic courts in the 16th and 17th century
- Collection history in Norway and the collecting of Netherlandish painting in Scandinavia
CODART publications
Cynthia Osiecki, âThe National Museum of Norwayâ, CODARTfeatures, April 2021.
Cynthia Osiecki, âDutch and Flemish Sculptors in the Balticâ, CODARTfeatures, February 2013.
Selected publications
Netherlandish Tomb Sculpture at the Court of Mecklenburg. Robert Coppensâ Monument for Christopher of Mecklenburg in Schwerin Cathedral
Essay in Grabmälern der Frßhen Neuzeit in Mecklenburg und Pommern, edited by K.A. Heck and A. Kempe, pp. 95-113
Berlin (Lukas Verlag) 2020
De Meester van Elsloo: van eenling tot verzameling
Lars Hendrikman and Cynthia Osiecki
Zwolle (WBooks) 2019
‘The Netherlandish Print Album of Duke Ulrich III of Mecklenburg and its Impact on the Perception of the so-called ‘Floris-Style”
Article in Netherlandish Yearbook for the History of Art, 67 (2018), pp. 338-365
Willem Boy & Willem van den Blocke: The Import of Flemish Sculpture into Swedenâs Courts from 1562 until 1599
Essay in Sculpture and the Nordic Region, pp. 24-29
Edited by S. Ayres and E. Carbone
Abingdon (Routledge) 2017