Last Friday, 14 September 2012, CODART member Jeroen Giltaij celebrated his sixty-fifth birthday and his retirement from the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, where he worked for almost forty years. Jeroen began his career at the Rotterdam museum in the Department of Prints and Drawings, where he produced a catalogue of the museum’s excellent collection of Rembrandt drawings. In 1979 he became Curator of Old Master Paintings and Sculpture. During the thirty-three years in which he held that position, he organized a staggering number of exhibitions, including Schilderkunst uit de eerste hand: olieverfschetsen van Tintoretto to Goya (1983-84), A glowing palette: paintings of Rembrandt and his school (1988), Perspectives: Saenredam and the architectural painters of the 17th century (1991), Lof der zeevaart: de Hollandse zeeschilders van de 17e eeuw (1996-97), Dutch Classicism (1999-2000), Senses and sins: painters of everyday life in the 17th century (2004-2005), Willem Kalf (2006-2007) and Dutch primitives: paintings from the late Middle Ages (2008).
His departure from the museum was marked by a festive symposium, at which colleagues who had played an important role during Jeroen’s forty-year career spotlighted Jeroen’s work and some of his acquisitions for the museum. A Liber Amicorum was presented to him at the end of the day. Ten articles on Rembrandt have been published in honor of Jeroen in a special edition of the Kroniek van het Rembrandthuis, which also contains a short overview of Jeroen’s career, written by Jan Piet Filedt Kok and Friso Lammertse, and a bibliography. See the table of contents below.
Een kroniek voor Jeroen Giltaij (Amsterdam 2012)
Jan Piet Filedt Kok and Friso Lammertse
“Jeroen Giltaij als conservator in het Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen”
“Publicaties Jeroen Giltaij”
Arthur K. Wheelock Jr.
“An art historian’s journey, and Rembrandt’s forgotten Portrait of a Bearded Old Man wearing a Beret revisited”
Walter Liedtke
“Rembrandt at work: some late self-portraits”
Holm Bevers
“Eine späte Kopie nach Leonardos Abendmahl aus dem Rembrandtkreis”
Peter Schatborn
“Een tekening van Pieter Lastman uit Italië”
Bill Robinson
“Landscape drawings by Nicolaes Maes”
Mària van Berge-Gerbaud
“Deeze teykeningen zullen ook niet licht afstuiven”
Albert Blankert
“The comeback of a ‘Rembrandt’ as a Lievens”
Ronni Baer
“Of Cats and Dogs: Domestic Pets in Rembrandt and Dou”
Gregor Weber
“Rembrandt Undertan”
Friso Lammertse and Jaap van der Veen
“Hendrick en Gerrit Uylenburgh, oud en nieuw (3)”