CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Job offer: Fondation Custodia in Paris seeks a new director

The Fondation Custodia is a Swiss foundation, established in Paris by the Dutch collector Frits Lugt (1884 – 1970) for the purpose of managing his collection of old master drawings, prints, paintings and letters written by artists. The Frits Lugt Collection is a study collection, which is made accessible to art historians and other interested parties. The Fondation Custodia also concentrates on academic research, publications and the organization of exhibitions both within as well as outside the Institut Néerlandais, the Dutch Cultural Institute in Paris. There are currently twelve persons on the staff of the Fondation Custodia.

Information from the Fondation Custodia, 7 September 2009

The Fondation Custodia pursues an active policy in continuing to expand the collection and maintains intensive connections with the art world for arranging works to be loaned. The art library, which is impressive, is available to the public at the Institut Néerlandais.

Having reached retirement age, the current Director is due to be replaced. Hence, the Fondation Custodia is inviting applications for a new director.

What person are we looking for?

You have completed your art history studies and your specialism is drawings and prints. You have an excellent knowledge of and contacts with international museums and print cabinets. You also have experience with organizing exhibitions, with the international auction world, with art dealers; your ability to acquire art works and to write well has been well established, preferably in the form of both academic as well as more educational publications.

The new Director will have considerable management experience in more or less comparable situations. You have a network in the Netherlands, primarily within museums, the State Fine Arts Department and universities, but, given that your work will be in Paris, you will also be familiar with the French art world and French culture.

The future

The new Director must establish a new direction having conferred with the Board. Important themes in the coming years will be the digitalization of the collection and the further professionalization of the organization itself.

Your application, together with your resume, should be received by us no later than Saturday, September 26, 2009. You may send your application to:, or mail it to: Fondation Custodia, Post Office Box 77803 1070 LK Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

For more information about the Fondation Custodia please go to: