CODART ZESTIEN: registration and accommodation
Opening reception
The opening reception on Sunday 21 April will start at 17:00. The reception will take place in the Rathaus, entrance Lichtenfelsgasse 2 (Google maps).
Participant information
Download the congress participation list here and let us know if there are any omissions:
City walking tour
Starting point of the tour is north of the Stadtpark, in front of Café Prückel (Stubenring 24, Karl Luegerplatz) The first group will leave at 13:00h and the second group at 15:00h. To see to which group you have been allocated open this .pdf file:
Participants City walking tour on Sunday 21 April
Participants from the Netherlands flying from Schiphol
Check the NS website carefully before you leave for Schiphol. In the weekend of 20 April the airport will be difficult to reach by train.
Congress locations
Click here to enlarge the map with all the congress locations.
How to get from the airport to the city
There are several options to get from the airport of Vienna to the city centre. We name two. The easiest way is to take the City Airport Train (CAT). Follow the green signs of this service and you will find the trains that leave regularly and directly to station Wien Mitte, from where you can transfer to the U-bahn (subway). Costs for a return ticket are 17 euros online and 19 euros when you buy the ticket on the airport.
A cheaper option is to take the Express train S7 from the airport. This train goes to station Wien Mitte as well, but stops at several stations and therefore takes twice as long as the CAT. Costs for this service are 4 euros for a oneway ticket or a 2 euro extra charge on a 48-hour card.
Rooming list Hotel Mercure Josefshof
Rooming list Hotel ibis Wien Mariahilf
There are two congress hotels this year. Both hotels are very comfortable and offer a bar and free internet connection. Hotel Mercure Josefshof is a 4-star hotel located near the historical center and within 15 minutes walking distance to the Kunsthistorisches Museum. The 3-star hotel ibis Wien Mariehilf is next to the Westbahnhof train station from where you can quickly reach the congress locations via metro line U3. You can indicate your choice of hotel on the registration form. Please note that hotel registration goes through CODART. For all questions concerning the accommodation please contact CODART.
Link to the website of Hotel Mercure Josefshof
Link to the website of Hotel ibis Wien Mariahilf
The rates for the hotels are as follows and include breakfast and taxes:
Hotel Mercure Josefshof (FULL)
single room: € 117 per night
double room: € 143 per night for two persons
Hotel ibis Wien Mariehilf
single room: € 86 per night
double room: € 115 per night for two persons
Congress participants will pay hotel bills individually at check out. If hotel rooms are cancelled after 17 March 2013, the hotel may charge you for (a part of) the costs.
Public transport in Vienna
Public transport tickets are available at subway stations, most tobacconists and in buses and trams. If you plan to travel by public transport a lot, we advise you to get a 48 hour card for € 11,70. Single trip tickets cost € 2 from ticket machines (not available at tram stops) or € 2,20 in the means of transport.
CODART ZESTIEN is fully booked. You can no longer register.
You can pay your congress fee online here.
CODART bureau
Ida Peters & Maartje Beekman
T +31 70 333 9746