A new feature has been published on the CODART website. In September 2019 the Amsterdam Museum decided to no longer use the term ‘Golden Age’ as a synonym for the Dutch seventeenth century. In this feature Tom van der Molen, curator at the Amsterdam Museum, writes about his own relationship to the term and why he prefers not to use it as a standard way of referring to the Dutch seventeenth century.
Click here to read The Problem of ‘the Golden Age’
Every month this new section of our website will offer one new in-depth article about Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide. It is the successor of the CODART eZine, which launched in 2012 and appeared bi-annually. The format of CODARTfeatures enables a higher frequency of publication and more flexibility in choice of subject matter.
In terms of subject matter the features will continue the course of the eZine and provide information on new curatorial developments, current projects, collections of Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide, as well as insight into the work of the museum curator. To go to the features, click here.