CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

New CODARTfeature: Where Science Meets Art – Presenting Technical Material in Museum Galleries

A new feature has been published on the CODART website. At the heart of displaying technical information in the galleries is the notion of accessibility. How should investigative processes be explained, and with which goals in mind? What kind of visual documentation should be shared, and how should technology like iPads and QR codes be marshalled to effectively convey this information? In this feature Alexandra Libby, Betsy Wieseman, and Quentin Buvelot reflect on recent exhibitions that foregrounded technical findings.

“As institutions have sought to expand the stories that they tell through their collections, they have strived to share new types of information through the incorporation of conservation- and technical investigation-based presentations in the galleries.”
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Published monthly, features provide information on new curatorial developments, current projects, collections of Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide, as well as insight into the work of the museum curator.

Last month’s feature was Handing Over the Keys: Succession in Museum Curatorship – An interview with Christiaan Vogelaar and Janneke van Asperen by Maartje Beekman and Rosalie van Gulick. To browse all features, visit