CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Print Quarterly June 2018 (Volume XXXV, no. 2) Issue Now Published

The latest Print Quarterly issue includes a review examining the recent New York and Amsterdam Hercules Segers exhibition catalogue. It is accompanied by a note on the Rembrandt House catalogue Under the Spell of Hercules Segers. Other notes consider the international trajectory of Jacopo de’ Barbari in Germany and the Netherlands and the triumphal entry of Archduke Albert VII and his wife Isabella into Antwerp in 1599.

Contents of Print Quarterly Volume XXXV, no. 2

The Frankfurt Messrelationen, 1591 to 1595 by Joachim Jacoby
Drawings for the Spanish Robinson Crusoe by José Juan Camarón and Rafael Ximeno by Benito Navarrete Prieto and Alejandro Martínez Pérez
The Royal Collection of Satirical Prints in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Kate Heard

Shorter Notice

A Newly Identified Woodcut by Amico Aspertini by Silvia Urbini


Jacopo de’ Barbari (c. 1450–1516) by Gert Jan van der Sman
Freiburg’s Baldung Grien Woodcuts by Freyda Spira
Triumphal Entry of the Archdukes Albert and Isabella into Antwerp by Femke Speelberg
Hollar’s Frontispiece to Sprat’s The History of the Royal Society by Simon Turner
Prints of London from the Gough Collection by Celina Fox
The Prints of Paul Sandby (1731–1809) by Susan Sloman
Images of the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome (Am Fuße der Pyramide: 300 Jahre Friedhof für Ausländer in Rom) by Flavia Pesci
The Art Gallery of New South Wales by Mark Mcdonald
Mediterranean Encounters by Charles Newton
Nordic Japanomania by Annika Gunnarsson
Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva (1871–1955) and Prints in Russia by Galina Madrilovich
Art Nouveau in Italy (Liberty in Italia: Artisti alla ricerca del moderno) by Martin Hopkinson
The Art of Emma Bormann (1887–1974) by Julie Mellby
Under the Spell of Hercules Segers: Rembrandt and the Moderns (Hercules Segers ‒ Painter-Etcher) by Jan Piet Filedt Kok
Publications Received

Catalogue and Book Reviews

Andrea Meldolla called Schiavone by Michael Bury
Hercules Segers and his Printed Paintings by An Van Camp
Nineteenth-Century French and English Print Culture (Another World: Nineteenth-Century Illustrated Print Culture) by Celina Fox
Alberto Giacometti, Draughtsman-Engraver (Catalogue raisonné des estampes) by Christian Klemm
Louise Bourgeois (An Unfolding Portrait. Prints, Books and the Creative Process) by Paul Coldwell