CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art / Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek (NKJ) is now available

The theme of this volume is Art and Migration; Netherlandish Artists on the Move, 1400-1750

Table of Contents

Frits Scholten & Joanna Woodall, Introduction

Filip Vermeylen, Greener pastures? Capturing artists’ migrations during the Dutch Revolt

Hope Walker, Netherlandish immigrant painters and the Dutch reformed church of London, Austin Friars, 1560-1580

Arjan de Koomen, ‘Una cosa non meno maravigliosa che honorata’. The expansion of Netherlandish sculptors in sixteenth-century Europe

Franciszek Skibiński, Early-modern Netherlandish sculptors in Danzig and East-Central Europe. A study in dissemination through interrelation and workshop practice

Aleksandra Lipińska, Eastern outpost. The sculptors Herman Van Hutte and Hendrik Horst in Lviv c. 1560-1610

Gert Jan van der Sman & Bouk Wierda, Wisselend succes. De loopbanen van Nederlandse en Vlaamse kunstenaars in Florence, 1450-1600

Marije Osnabrugge, From itinerant to immigrant artist. Aert Mytens in Naples

Abigail D. Newman, Juan de la Corte in Madrid: ‘branding’ Flanders abroad

Judith Noorman, A fugitive’s success story. Jacob van Loo in Paris (1661-1670)

Isabella di Lenardo, Carlo Helman, merchant, patron and collector, and the role of family ties in the Antwerp–Venice migrant network

Saskia Cohen-Willner, Between painter and painter stands a tall mountain. Van Mander’s Italian Lives as a source for instructing artists in the ‘deelen der consten’

List price: EUR 120 / USD 154 *

Standing order price: EUR 95 / USD 123 *

* Prices are excl. shipping & handling and VAT

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