Simiolus, Netherlands quarterly for the history of art Volume 37 (2013-2014), nr. 1
Ruben Suykerbuyk
"Coxcie’s copies of old masters: an addition and an analysis"
Sander Karst
"Off to a new Cockaigne: Dutch migrant artists in London, 1660-1715"
Louis Veen
"Piet Modrian’s autobiographical writings (1941-43)"
Bader prize: for the best original contribution on European art prior to 1950 written by an art historian younger than 35 at the time of submission.
We are pleased to announce that this year’s volume of Simiolus is the second to feature an article that was awarded the Bader Prize, and want to express our heartfelt thanks to Alfred and Isabel Bader for making this possible. We also wish to thank all the authors who sent us their manuscripts to compete for the award, and are very pleased to congratulate Ruben Suykerbuyk from Ghent with winning it.
We are looking forward to receiving the manuscripts for the next Bader Prize before 15 June 2014, and promise to publish the winning contribution in Simiolus 38. For further details please consult our website,