CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide


Dutch and Flemish art in Russia: congress (14), 15-16 March 1999, Amsterdam

Organized by CODART in cooperation with the Foundation for Cultural Inventory, Amsterdam

Program as accomplished. As of 4 January 2001 texts available of talks by

Sunday, 14 March

14:00-16:00 Walking tour in 16th- and 17th-century Amsterdam, starting from the Goliath Restaurant in the Amsterdams Historisch Museum. The tour commenced with a good look at the Museum itself, in the former city orphanage. One side of the girls’ courtyard was built by Hendrick de Keyser in Dutch Renaissance style (1598) and the other by Jacob van Campen in a strictly classical mode (1632). This introduction helped to place the rest of the buildings on the tour in stylistic perspective:

  • Singel, powder house of the former Doelen (1606)
  • Heiligeweg: Hendrick de Keyser’s gate to the Rasphuis (1603)
  • Grimburgwal: Huis aan de drie grachten (1610)
  • Oudezijds Voorburgwal: gate of Agnietenkapel (1571)
  • Spinhuissteeg: Hendrick de Keyser’s gate (1608) of the former Spinhuis
  • Koestraat: house of Jan van der Heyden and building of the winesellers’ guild
  • Oude Kerk: Renaissance elements dating from 1545, 1560 and 1571
  • Oudezijds Voorburgwal: best preserved facade of a house by Hendrick de Keyser (1615) and other houses
  • Oudebrugsteeg: Accijnshuis, monumental tax office attributed to Jacob van Campen (1637)

The tour was offered by Ad van der Blom, director of the Kunsthistorisch Centrum, Amsterdam, and conducted by him personally.

Sunday, 14 March

17:30-19:30 The pre-CODART reception in the Rijksmuseum followed the closing of the museum on the last day of the Adriaen de Vries exhibition. We were the guests of the Rijksmuseum. With Rick van der Ploeg, state secretary for culture, present, welcoming remarks were spoken by Ronald de Leeuw, director of the Rijksmuseum, and Rik Vos, director of the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage.

Monday, 15 March

9:30 The opening by Gary Schwartz was brief.
9:40 Steve Austen, director of Felix Meritis, spoke on the history of the glamorous building in which we met and the institutions which have occupied it. The present function, he explained, was to house the Felix Meritis Foundation, which serves as a meeting place and center of activities for a number of internationally-oriented initiatives. Among these are the Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University, in which art history always has a place.
10:00 Dutch keynote speaker: Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann, professor of art history, Institute of Fine Arts, New York.
11:00 Dutch and Flemish paintings in Russian provincial museums: history and highlights: Vadim Sadkov, head of the department of European and American paintings, Pushkin Museum.
11:45 Rembrandt as a source of inspiration in Russian art and literature: Irina Sokolova, head of the department of Dutch paintings, Hermitage.
12:30 Lunch in Felix Meritis.
14:00 Russian keynote speaker: Irina Antonova, director of the Pushkin Museum.
14:30 Moscow art collections formed in the late 19th century and their fate in 1918-1924: Marina Senenko, curator of Dutch paintings, Pushkin Museum.
15:45 The Gothic Hall of Prince Paul Viazemsky: Xenia Egorova (+), curator of Flemish paintings, Pushkin Museum.
16:15 The Hermitage collection of prints by Romein de Hooghe, Adriaen Schoonebeck and Pieter Picaert: Roman Grigoryev, head of the department of prints, Hermitage.
17:00 Discussion.
17:30 Reception in Felix Meritis, followed by dinner there.

Tuesday, 16 March

9:30 Members’ meeting.
12:30 Lunch in Felix Meritis.
14:00 Russian collections of Dutch and Flemish art in art history in the west: Rudi Ekkart, director of the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD).
14:45 The RKD computerization project:
15:45 Visit to the Royal Palace. We were received by our member Eymert-Jan Goossens.
17:30 Closing reception: Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis, Herengracht 518, Amsterdam. We are guests of the Foreign Investment Promotion Centre of Russia (FIPC Russia), Benelux Office, and the Geelvinck Hinloopen Foundation.