CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

New CODARTfeature: The Dutch Paintings of the Musée Jeanne d’Aboville in La Fère

Although big names may be rare, the Musée Jeanne d’Aboville holds a fine collection of paintings representing a wide variety of genres and styles characteristic of the Dutch school, including a number of masterpieces that almost come as a surprise in the collection of a self-effacing amateur of the nineteenth century. In this month’s feature Éléonore Derisson introduces us to this intriguing collection.

In 1860, Gabrielle d’Héricourt decided to bequeath her collection to the town of La Fère provided a museum bearing the name of her mother, Jeanne d’Aboville, was established there. The small municipal museum was inaugurated in 1868 following Gabrielle d’Héricourt’s gift of 295 pictures.” Read on…


Published monthly, the features provide information on new curatorial developments, current projects, collections of Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide, as well as insight into the work of the museum curator.

Last month’s feature was Celebrating 28 Years At the Toledo Museum of Art With Larry Nichols  by Julia van Marissing. To browse all features, visit