CODART DERTIEN documents and downloads
CODART DERTIEN Congress, 30 May-1 June 2010, Rotterdam
Texts of presentations on Monday 31 May 2010
- Alexandra Gaba-van Dongen and Peter van der Coelen, ALMA: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningenâs Images Linked to Artifacts project.
- Bernard Vermet, Retrospective on CODARTlight in Russia and the digitization of Dutch and Flemish collections of regional museums in Russia.
- Keynote lecture: Antony Griffiths, Collections online: the experience of the British Museum.
Texts of presentations on Tuesday 1 June 2010
Statements on the congress theme: Digitization: blessing or burden?
- Pierre-Yves Desaive, Virtual museums need real curators.
- Judith van Gent, The online collection database of the Amsterdams Historisch Museum.
- Thomas Döring, the virtual Print Room of the Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig and the Herzog August Bibliothek WolfenbĂŒttel.
- Marco de Niet, Digitization and cultural heritage.