CODART NEGEN Congress, 12-14 March 2006, Leiden
Dutch and Flemish art in the land of Rembrandt
From 12-14 March 2006, CODART will hold the annual congress for curators of Dutch and Flemish art in Leiden. It is at our annual congresses that CODART best fulfils its purpose, bringing together the largest number of colleagues from around the world in a variety of activities. Find all the information on this website and register now!
Congress program: complete program, including theme sessions, workshops, members’ meeting, congress dinner and excursions. | Registration, fees & financial assistance: download a registration form, find information on fees or apply for financial assistance. |
Location & accommodation: find out more about Leiden, the accommodation and how to get there. | Find a partner in the members meeting: introduce a future project for which you are seeking a partner during the members meeting. |
CODART congress bureauNavany Almazan, congress coordinator
T +31 20 305 4521
F +31 20 305 4500
Left image: Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal, Leiden
Right image: Circle of Rembrandt van Rijn, Old woman reading, 1631, 80 x 68 cm., oil on canvas
Wilton House, Salisbury