CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

CODART VIJFTIEN: documents and downloads

Congress program
Network document
Congress folder (including abstracts of all the lectures and market tables)

Abstracts and texts of presentations on Monday 19 March 2012

Disciplines in motion: the changing roles of curators and conservators
Ron Spronk
full textpowerpoint presentation

Understanding artworks enables their preservation
Jørgen Wadum
powerpoint presentation

Jordaens and the Antique. A case study in the relationship between curators and restorers in a museum context
Joost Vander Auwera
powerpoint presentation


Abstracts and texts of presentations on Tuesday 20 March 2012

Curators and conservators at the Picture Gallery of the Kunsthistorisches Museum: two evolving job profiles
Gerlinde Gruber
full textpowerpoint presentation


Summaries Market of ideas

The Centre for the Study of the Flemish Primitives and its Corpus series. A call for new partnerships
Bart Fransen

A mixed or a national school presentation in the permanent galleries? The Warsaw example
Hanna Benesz

The catalogue raisonné as Wiki
Elizabeth Honig